Wednesday, January 8, 2014

WTF Wednesday: When Helping the Homeless Goes Terribly Wrong

I have a confession to make. 

I'm stupid. 

Like really and truly stupid sometimes. 

Not stupid as in repeatedly trying to make the square peg fit in the round hole but stupid as in sometimes I just make very bad decisions. Intentionally. Fully knowing what the repercussions could be. I just big fat do it anyway. 


It should also be known that I don't work in the best part of town. I love my job and I love my campus, but it is situated near some pretty bad neighborhoods. 

As I'm headed out to lunch, I'm stuck at a stoplight that could be consider "the hood." As I'm looking longfullly onward to my destination, up ahead I see a homeless man struggling to get across the street in his wheelchair. 

And when I say struggling, I mean he is stuck in the middle of my lane (the far right lane) and his wheelchair might as well have square wheels. He ain't going anywhere. And he is trying to cross four lanes. 

I thought to myself, "Well shit. What am I going to do when this turns green and I am wheelchair to car with him?" 

And then the light turned green. Think fast, Turner. 

He was in no better shape once I drove the 20 feet than he was when I was stopped so I had to stop my car lest I damage him, his wheelchair, and my car. 

So on a four lane street in the hood, I stopped my car, turned it off with my purse inside, turned on the flashers, and got out... keys still in it. 


I approached the man and asked him if I could help him. He said, "Yes ma'am if you can just get me across the street."

"Across the street" is four lanes away from my car that I have now put flashing lights on basically saying, "FREE CAR!!! RIGHT HERE!!! FREE CAR!!!!" 

About that time another young man started approaching from the gas station we were at. And I immediately start thinking, "Well this is how I'm going to make it on the news. I fell for a 'help me, I'm poor' scam." 

He asks, "Do you have him?" 

I said, "Well it'd be great if you could get him across the street so I can get back in my car."

This is when the homeless man in the wheelchair LOST. HIS. SHIT. 


That startled me a bit. It was quite unexpected. 

The man from the gas station then proceeds to lose his shit by yelling, "FINE THEN! FUCK YOU TOO! I HOPE YOU GET SPLATTERED BY A FUCKING BUS!!!" 

Meanwhile, itty bitty white girl is standing in the middle of four lanes of stopped traffic in the hood wondering, 

I finally realized it was up to me and I wasn't a part of some scam to steal cars away from unsuspecting stupid girls so I pushed him across the street. I need you to imagine pushing in its finest sense because let me tell you, that chair was BROKEN!!!! No turny... no turny at all. It was brute strength (which I don't have) and donkey butt (which I have plenty). 

When we got to the other side of the street (still with four lanes of captive audience), the man in the chair says, "Can you do me a favor?" 

I'm sorry what?! I just risked life and limb and car for you. Aren't you considered, "All favored out," right now?!

I said, "Sir, I have to get back to my car." 

Honking has started at this point. 

He said, "I'm homeless and hungry. Can you please help me get a meal?" 

I said, "Sir, I'm so sorry. But I don't have cash on me and my car is over there. I have to go." 

He said, "Please ma'am. I need some help getting some food." 

I finally awkwardly jumped around and stuttered,  just shouting as I was running away, "Sorry sir! I just can't!" 

I jumped in my car, started it, checked that I still had a purse, and went on to the restaurant. 

Can I get an amen on WTF was that?!?!?! 

And do you think Satan will save me a warm corner in hell? I like a view. 

The Hump Day Blog Hop


  1. Replies
    1. Stupid. The word you are looking for is stupid.

  2. Ok first off go ahead you angelic cussing hussy. A seat in hell for pushing a guy that could have been running a straight up scam on your white ass?!?!? You just got a totally gold trim and diamond HEAVEN BOUND ticket. Congrats. Second off, WTF WERE YOU THINKING? I know what you were thinking....not a damn thing! Other wise you would have jumped the other lane swerved around him and called the po-po to come get his rickety damn wheelchair out of the highway. Third off, you're a good person. Period.

    1. I just died laughing at your reply. All of the above probably. But I'm pretty sure my gold trim and diamonds are tarnished from all the damned cussing. Good thing I'm not materialistic ;-)

    2. haha, gold trim and diamond heaven bound ticket. Nice!

  3. ARE YOU INSAAANNNNNNNEEEEEEE!?!?!?!?! Asdfgjklp;;j;saghoierahtiopera!~!!!!
    And also, I have to go bleach my eyes now from all of the F words.
    And also, if Justin doesn't lecture you foreverrrr about this, call me so that I can. Thanks.

  4. Gah!
    First of all, I need to give Brownie a big ole hug because she introduced me to your blog! Now I'm a follower and I can't get enough!

    Second, this is crazy! Sounds totally like something I would have done! Seriously! And the whole time I would have been waiting for someone to hack me to pieces and steal my car. In front of everyone.

    1. Yup. You nailed it. I knew what could happen and I just went and did it anyway. Turns out that guy is running a scam. He gets people to stop and help him then asks for money. That's why he yelled at that dude from the gas station for trying to help. He knew he wasn't getting anything from his ass!
