Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day "What the Eff Ever" Update

The days are blurring together ya'll.

We had a bad day  and then we had a good day and then we had a BAD night and then we had a good night.

And then it all went to shit.

When she came in yesterday for her chemo, she had a fever.

Clearly this was the end of the world judging by the nurses reactions.

It was 100.8.

Insert eye roll here.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to proceed with something if it is going to make her health worse but you should have seen all the overdramatic concern. And baby talk...


They might as well have bribed her with a sticker and a fresh lollipop.

Anyway, no chemo yesterday. Instead we got admitted to the hospital.

Oh joy.

Prayers, positive thoughts, good juju requests:

  • Her overall health improving
  • We still need to find the best possible match for her bone marrow.

We found out her siblings were not a match so that means we go to the registry. No big deal. We have some preliminary matches but how amazing would it be if we got a perfect match?

Please share the giveaway. Please swab. Please post on social media why you swab or why you should swab. Please consider donating to Please just help.

How to Help

At this point we have it narrowed down between chemo shutting down her liver (there are still other chemos to try... just not this anti-Christ version) or a bile duct blockage. Hopefully we will find out today.

Keep the positive thoughts/prayers/juju coming!

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