Monday, January 13, 2014

Hey girl... I really like that ponytail...

So guys... I have almost nothing to show for this weekend. 

I mean... I went to Toastmasters International Officer Training...

And I did buy groceries... 

And there are approximately 5 loads of folded laundry on my couch right now... 

But still... it just feels like the weekend came and went and didn't bother to let me know about it. 

So here is what I can muster as far as weekend updates are concerned... 

1) I had really weird dreams Friday night. Of particular note is me running into Robert Downey Jr (nom nom nommy) in a grocery story and he called me by name and asked me for some help. 

Why yes, Robert Downey Jr., I believe I can make time in my dream to assist you in buying dried peas. Poor thing looked so confused. 

2) I learned that a few months back someone video-taped one of my speeches without my consent. That threw me into a bit of a tizzy. 

Here is a hint general public: If you like the way someone speaks and you want to learn more from them by videoing them and watching it later... run it past them first! It makes you seem way less creepy and it gets your ass back in its rightful place below your spine instead of on your head as a HAT! 


Cheese and rice. 

3) I taught my dog how to shake. Only he gets really excited now because he has learned it and he mauls you with both hands at the same time until he gets said treat. It is still pert cute. 

4) I had felt really bad on Saturday night and didn't eat dinner because of it. Sam slept in the bed with me that night "to take care of me." The next morning, his Papa offered to take him to Burger King for dinner and I decided to use that time to grocery shop. 

I did shower before I went. But not much else. 

That's okay, because last night, my boyfriend told me I looked sexy in that ponytail and with an ass like mine, who needs makeup? 

I agree Robert. I agree. 


  1. I'd love to see on of your speeches! blog it asap!

  2. LOVE IT! Yeah speechmaster give us some lip! Damn you love some BK!
