Monday, January 6, 2014

Sam Turned 4 and Did a Keg Stand!

Put down the phone. No need in calling DHS just yet. 

Sam turned 4 yesterday. Despite my campaigning for him to just stay 3 forever (it has been the best age thus far!), he big fat went and did it anyway. 

With all the stuff going on with his grandma (leukemia) we decided this year we would go for a big gift and we wouldn't do a party. We couldn't have her around all those people anyway with her immune system compromised so we could do little stuff at home and be set. 

That's until the 4 year old got wind of this. 

He said, "Who is going to sing happy birthday to me?"

Me: "We will silly."

Sam: "And what about my friends?" 

Me: "I'll take brownies to Susan's on Monday and they can sing to you there."

Sam: "They could also sing to me at Burger King while we play." 

Good point. He went on about this for a while so I took a stab in the dark and at noon yesterday texted a bunch of people to let them know we'd be at Burger King at 5:30 to celebrate Sam's birthday, PLEASE NO GIFTS, just come to sing to my son. 

And it worked out! We had about 7 kids show up. Since I had "planned" it just hours before, there were no cupcakes. Know what I did? 

Bought those minions an Icee. 

Minions love Icees. 

Seriously, I may  never do cupcakes again. This is just as expensive and way less work. Genius! 

So genius that while being silly with daddy, Sam wanted to drink his upside down. 


I thought that was a fabulous way to get a brain freeze but no luck. He seemed fine. 

It is too cold for him to enjoy his big present, a 14' trampoline! Don't worry, we got the enclosure too. 

Though I have to say, when I was little we would put Dawn soap on the trampoline and stick a water hose on it to see who could slide off the trampoline the farthest. I feel like the enclosure will slow down this process. #suchashame

When we got home, I did make brownies and we sang happy birthday to him with candles. He really likes candles as evidenced here. 

Be on the lookout for a pretty cool bone marrow drive blog post from me soon. If you are a blogger and want in on the giveaway/drive fun, email me for deets! 


  1. Happy birthday SAM! You are the man! Icees whoa I'm jealous and the whole blowin' those candles on are a rock star!

  2. Happy Birthday, Sam! I try every year to convince my kids that they want to go backwards in age. I have yet to convince them that is a good idea.
