Monday, January 20, 2014

I've got the next Jeter!

Or some other baseball player you find admirable. I'd rather go with a Brave but none of those have quite the name recognition that Jeter does. Unless it is A Rod and I don't want that kind of juju on muh blog. 

Excuse the misspellings. 

Anyway, due to Pat being sick we decided not to travel for Christmas unless it was with Pat. We travel every year across the state and we decided this year my side could come to us at their convenience. 

This weekend was the last installment of the Christmas that would never end... LOL. 

Christmas is great and all and part of me is sad it is over because I no longer have any excuses to leave the Christmas tree up. 

My Dad and stepmom came down with presents from the family that couldn't make it. Sam got some MORE great things (trucks, clothes, cutsie things only my sister Amanda could come up with (she is so adorable it makes me want to stab her with a Barbie that looks remarkably similar... love you 'manda!) and police car legos meant for a 5 year old. All good stuff. 

And then Major Pain in my Ass for being Majorly Crafty but Majorly Awesome sister Amanda sent a birthday gift for Sam. 

It was a wooden bat with his name etched in it. 


How awesome!? Seriously... she's the type of relative/friend that you want to be but will never be. She reminds me of Gwenyth Paltrow... except not judgey about her perfection. 

Anyway.... Sam was SOLD! 

And Paw Paw had planned on taking Sam shopping for his birthday gift at Walmart. 

So what did we get?! 

Well a tee, tee-balls, and a glove of course! 

And man did we hit! First off the kid has a ridiculously good aim and strong arm. Secondly, he hit the ball and not the tee way  more than I expected. And he took instruction really well. 

He held the bat like he was supposed to. 

He stood like he was supposed to once we had a marker for him. 

And he made contact with the ball with and without the tee. 

Need proof? 

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I'm pretty excited about this development. Being a closet baseball fanatic... I need an outlet. Keeping up with the Braves via Twitter is quite unfulfilling. 

Make sure to enter the giveaway going on right now! I'll post about our first day in St. Louis tomorrow sometime. Spoiler alert: There was a ruckus about birds. 

Giveaway post here:

Disclaimer: This post was written on an iPad after 8 hours of being in a hospital using a wobbly tray table. I take no responsibility for spelling/grammar/general use of the English language errors. 


1 comment:

  1. Yeah lets not call Sam a Jeter or A Rod because his brute skills with the bat and ball are not some science concoction ya know....they are like for real! I'm signing up to coach t-ball this year so I may need to skype in Sam for some advice.
