Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Testimony Time!

Today's Testimony Time is brought to you by: Love.

And you should know, that today, I'm irritable beyond belief. And while it takes great discipline to do this, and I often fail, I've decided that rooting myself in the Lord today and sharing some Word on Love, maybe I can overcome this. Or at the very least, not lose my cool on someone later because I've lost sight that loving others is loving them in all of our words... not just the ones we have when we are in a good mood.

I find on days like today when I'm feeling particularly irritable, I say things or think things that elevate me above others. Statements like, "I'd never do.... " or "I can't believe he/she did..." It seems innocent enough, but it isn't. It is turning my nose up at someone else's situation that I:

1) Know nothing about.

2) Shouldn't be doing anyway, regardless if they know about it or not.

"My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."
(Isaiah 55:10-11)

Let's see... if I say something or think something that is hateful (and let's be honest, that's what it is), what fruit will it bear? Hate. That's what. It is right there is black and white.

So what does God tell us to do?

"I tell you the truth, slaves are not greater than their master. Nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message." John 13: 16

"So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." John 13: 34-35

So that person you are losing patience with: Pray for them. Don't vent about them. If you must vent about them, vent to God. I promise you won't be as hateful then.

If something makes you angry at school or at work, would you call up your priest and tell of the bitchy things he/she did to you? How would it differ if you were telling Jesus of your troubles versus stewing to yourself? Think about it really. It changes the whole tone just by who you are telling about it.

So that's my challenge to you (and me) today. Fight the urge to speak evil words. Find a way to turn something irritating into something loving.

"The heart of the godly thinks carefully before speaking; the mouth of the wicked overflows with evil words." Proverbs 15:28

And by controlling your thoughts and words, and by spreading love instead of hate (even if it is silent, it is still out there), maybe your day won't be quite so hate filled (irritating, difficult, etc). Maybe you loving words will go forth and bring you love back. 

*The irony of me preaching controlling the tongue is not lost on me. But had I ignored the Spirit and not done this, I'm sure my day would have gone a lot differently. Even as I type this, I'm being washed with peace. Thank you Jesus! I needed it!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Monkey Junkie

This is Monkey:
Monkey is easily, hands down, Sam's BFF.

He is the cheese to his macaroni (if he could have cheese). Monkey and Sam is like peas and carrots (if he ate any of those).

I feel the need to document this phase in Sam's life and the extent to which he loves Monkey. If I don't, I will regret it, I'm sure.

In the morning, often the first thing  Sam says to me is, "Watch Monkey?"

Because I'm a pushover, I normally turn it on for him while he eats breakfast. No biggie.

As soon as the episode ends, Sam says, "Mo monkey?!" and looks expectantly at me and/or the remotes.

If I tell him no more Monkey, he will then protest by not telling his father goodbye or giving him a hug. True story.

We get to Susan's house where often his first question is, "Watch Monkey?" or he just goes to the tv, turns it on, then asks to watch monkey.

She is pretty good about monitoring the Monkey watchage in her house, so they normally get maybe an episode in the morning and maybe one in the afternoon. This morning after Monkey went off at her house, he protested by crawling in her lap and not telling me bye.

When he had strep a few weeks ago, he wanted to watch a lot of Monkey... to the point that his Daddy was extremely tired of hearing the theme song. I felt bad for him so I said we'd go watch it in our bedroom.

Big. Mistake.

Now, if we tell him, "No more Monkey." He asks, "We watcha Monkey ina here." And points to my bedroom.

Something else we hear a lot of: "No Sam night night. Sam watcha monkey ina here!"

One time, we told him no, and he went and got the remotes (there are two involved) and turned it on himself! (I will admit that it had just been turned off so all he had to do was turn on the tv then hit play with the other remote... but still... he's TWO!)

And I realize I"m talking about Curious George like it is two-year old crack... but that's what it is at my house! The kid is addicted. And I have a hard time taking it away completely because... Curious George is just good wholesome fun! He cute, he's learning, he's very nice and has great manners.

I mean, it could be worse. do do do do do Dora is a work on the nerves. Yo Gabba Gabba and The Wiggles completely freak me out. I'm okay with him not watching a lot of Disney movies or Nickelodeon cartoons.... at least Curious George is tolerable and wholesome.

But we are about to have to stage an intervention.

Text message received from Susan today:
"Your little fart son went upstairs to Jonah (her middle son) and got Jonah to turn on "monkey" in his room. We might need monkey intervention."

He is a manipulative little squirt who is bending the world to fit his monkey fix. He's a monkey junkie.

And he is the cutest, funniest, smartest little monkey junkie out there. Bless it.