Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 5: Little boys underwear

Now before you go alerting the authorities, how cute are little boys underwear?!

Especially when you throw my son's chunky tushy in them... er meh gerd!

In reality, I had something way better earlier in the day, then I forgot, got a major sinus headache and I just really didn't want to forget about this bloggy thing I've committed to. And then Sam ran by me in his underwear. And that shit is cute.

Want to know what else is cute?

Sam: Mom can I sleep with you tonight?
Me: No baby, not tonight.
Sam: God said I could sleep with you tonight.
Me: Did he now?
Sam: He said it five times!

Bless it. Sam as a teenager is gonna be hard.

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! Totally laughed at this one...yesterday, I was looking through the sale ads and was telling my hubby how excited I am to (in a few years) buy cute little Avengers underwear for our boy. So different from the Tangled and Dora panties I'm used to buying! ;)
