Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 27: Pliers

In case you didn't know, I drive the sexiest car in the history of ever. A 1997 Honda Accord. Sexy.

The paint is barely there. As previously mentioned in another post on the wonders of Internet radio, there is a hole where my previous two stereos were. The lights will not come on inside the car. According to my sensors, the emergency brake is always on (it isn't). And there is a very large crack running the length of the windshield.

And I love this car. It is fairly reliable, it has no payment, and it doesn't use much gas.

Earlier in the summer, I went to turn on the air conditioner and I heard a loud crack. And the air conditioner temperature control nob came off in my hand. Fantastic.

Now I was stuck on full blast cold. Always. No bueno.

So what's a resourceful girl to do?

Most would say get a new nob. And they'd be wrong. That would take effort and me going to an auto parts store. Neither are okay with me. One takes energy I'm not willing to give. Scratch that. Both do.

So I drove myself to my local Walmart in sub zero temperatures (inside the car, outside was quite lovely actually) and bought myself some pliers.

Since I'm blogging from my phone, all pics are at the bottom, but I will make tomorrow's post about the person who slips a box cutter into my car so I can take the zip tie off my pliers.

Now check out this sexiness. The boys find me irresistible when I bust out my pliers.

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