Friday, November 2, 2012

30 Days of thanks: Days 1 & 2

Blogging from the phone...

Day 1: I'm thankful for emergency funds. I despise debt. Like with the fire of 1000 suns. Every time I pay a bill that has interest it feels like I am just wadding up money and throwing it into the wind. So when our upstairs furnace went out and we discovered the downstairs furnace was damaged from the Great Lightning Incident of 2012, I was heartbroken to hear the total bill. But you know what? I had the money to just pay cash and lick my wounds and it felt great. Now to build the savings back up bc lawdy lawdy did it take a hit!

Day 2: I am thankful for the way children illustrate their requests. For instance, my son requested to watch the monster movie this morning. Bit instead of just asking for the monster movie, he says, "momma, let's watch the monster movie... RAWR! RAWR! RAAAWWWRRRRR!"

Adults should illustrate our thoughts like this. It would make our days go by so much quicker. Think about it.

You are in a meeting with your boss and you are requesting money for an event with dancing. "I'll need at least $500 for the dj please," then start beat boxing and do the stanky leg.

Let's start the movement people. Only good things can come from this.

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