Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 20: Groupon, Day 21: Safety Pins

Day 20: The Groupon

I'm thankful for these for a number of reasons, the main one being I'm cheap but I like food.

If you haven't discovered Groupon yet, then you don't know what you are missing. They get with local restaurants and stores and offer a group coupon (get it... Groupon... clever) and if enough people buy it, you get something for an extreme discount.

Examples we have bought are:
Half off to a restaurant
Half off to a restaurant
Half off to a restaurant
Half off to a restaurant

That's really all we buy. But it is like, "Get $20 of meals for $10" or "Appetizer, Two Entrees, and Two Drinks for $12". It is normally at least half off though.

And this isn't exclusive to Groupon. There is also DealChicken and DailyDeals. I get all three everyday and I am pretty good about only buying the ones we would use. So anyway... check it out!

The reason I brought this up today was because my wonderful, kickass "babysitter" (for lack of a better term) conned my child into staying the night with her last night (literally conned. As in, when he said he wanted to go home with Mommy, she said, "Well I guess Lilli and I will just watch tv and eat candy by ourselves." Conned). So I got home to just a husband. And I realize I used to cook for just me and Justin all the time before a certain little boy came into our life, but now if Sam isn't here, I'm like, "Ugh. Cooking is for cavemen."

Well we had a handy dandy Groupon left over from a few months back that we never used for a local Italian place. HOT DOG! I didn't have to cook last night. Groupon is awesome.

Day 21: Safety Pins

If I'm being honest, I love safety pins for three reasons.

1) I'm cheap and I don't like mending clothes. Example: I have a pair of pants that I love to wear and I find very flattering, but they are missing a button. I could sew the button back on, but at this point, I've lost the button. And this isn't just some button you can run down to Walmart to buy. It is a pretty distinct button. Since I'm not ready to retire these pants, I just safety pin them. Cheapness wins again!

2) They are just handy! For instance, I have a few tops that, let's just say, were built in a way that is not quite in keeping with my proportions. I literally had to send this text out the other day so that I wasn't the talk of the campus:

"Do you have a safety pin I could use? My boobs are winning the argument with my buttons and I need a mediator."

And you know what, I got a safety pin. Because other women also recognize the genius in safety pins. Crisis averted.

3) The alternative is a straight pin. And those hurt. No matter how you use a straight pin, it either hurts you or the poor fool who decided to hug you.

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