Sunday, November 17, 2013

Saturday Adventures with Planes

Good morning, bloggeeks! (that's an endearing term... don't get offended)

We are having a rough week in the Turner household. Nothing definite yet but Justin's mom has been in the hospital since Wednesday and as of now we have a lot of guesses as to what's going on but no formal diagnosis which means we have been waiting and waiting on tests and more tests. If you could keep us in your prayers, that'd be super fantastic.

Since Sam is three, he doesn't exactly understand what's going on right now. He knows grandma is sick and has been for a while (started with a sinus infection about a month ago and she hasn't felt well since). He knows she is in the hospital so the doctors can make her better and she can rest. But he doesn't quite understand why he is staying later some days at Susan's or why mommy hasn't been going to work for a few days or why mommy and daddy are rarely home together or why he went to his GG's house the other day...

So because of all of this, I've tried pretty hard to make this weekend special. Since I was off of  hospital duty for the weekend pretty much, I made it my goal to spend some good time with Sam and make the weekend as special as we could.

We asked him if he wanted to go see Grandma in the hospital. He was very excited about that so we explained that there would be tubes and wires and stuff and he seemed pretty cool. Then he wanted to paint her a "get better" picture (be still my heart!).

Here is a picture of him painting his picture for grandma.

He was so deliberate with this painting. It actually ended up really pretty and I kind of wanted to frame it.

We decided we would go see Planes at the dollar movies with GG and that we'd stop by the hospital to see grandma and give her the picture beforehand.

We did just that but cut it close on time. And of course when we got there and had allotted 15 minutes for visiting, that's when they came  in for more tests and couldn't get a good draw. Once we finally got to visit with her, Sam had lots of questions about the tubes and the wires but was pretty good actually. In fact, later that night he told me that grandma is just going to have to stay in that hospital until she feels better because he is tired of her being sick!

Since it took us so long to get out of the hospital, we adjusted our plans to go eat and then see the later movie (since I left the hospital 10 minutes until showtime... whoopsie!).

In case you don't know, my son has a dairy allergy so eating out with him is a bit of a battle. Recently we found out that most restaurants are very accommodating and even typical kid utopian places (rhymes with Mucky Fleas) will make special pizzas without cheese special for the little trouble maker who can't eat cheese!

So we went to CiCi's for dinner and he tore up some pizza! And I got a daily dose of social anxiety because everyone and their monkey's uncle brought themselves and their children who couldn't behave or eat without splattering ranch on everyone in a 6 mile radius (this one little girl who was at least two years older than Sam looked like she had a bad case of rabies there was so much ranch dressing DRIPPING OUT OF HER MOUTH! BLUGH!). Why do I insist on going out in public?

After CiCi's we had some time to kill so we went to the mall. We looked at Christmas ornaments (I buy Justin and Sam one every year) and we looked at Santa (notice: looked. It isn't even Thanksgiving yet, Santa, don't you have a turkey to fry or something?!) and we went into GG's hippy store (used to be Romancing the Stone).

This is what happens when we kill time at the mall with a toddler...

Sam said he was a fox. Then he busted out some, "Ringadingdingdingdingading!"

Good stuff.

As we left the mall there was a bell ringer outside for the Salvation Army.

Now I could do a completely separate post about why I don't like giving to SA, but I see no reason to get into the politics of giving with my three year old. GG gave him some money to put in the bucket and I wasn't going to argue with a son who likes to give. (And to put your mind at ease, I am a giver to a fault, I just don't like to give willy nilly without some research and SA and I don't agree on much... at all.)

He goes up to the bucket and very deliberately puts one coin in at a time.

Very careful.

One at a time.

She had to have given him 15 coins.

It was such a spectacle that the people behind him (waiting to give their money) gave it to Sam as well so he could continue his very meticulous donation.

It was beyond precious. But he finally ran out of coins and we headed to the car to go see the movie.

Let it be known that when Sam and GG are together I don't know who is the bigger kid. As we were leaving, they got into an argument about something and then I hear my son yell from the backseat, "I'M GOING TO FLICK AN EAR BOOGER ON YOU!"

Um.... what?!

Is this a common threat among little boys?! I've never heard it before. I mean, yes, Sam does come up with some crazy things to say to people...

I'm gonna make you sleep outside...

I'm gonna sell you to gypsies...

I'm gonna punch you in the snotbox...

But ear boogers?! So much yuck.

We finally arrived at the movie and it went just about as great as you could imagine taking a three year old boy to the movies close to bedtime would go.

He made it about halfway through the movie and then became enamored with the lights on the aisle, the other open seats, the lack of people in the theater, popcorn and coke, spilling the coke... you see.

He and GG having fun.

During the previews and yes I used flash. I like to document stuffs.
 He actually did pretty good. And it was a cute little movie.

As we were leaving, we got into the car and Sam wanted his sword he keeps in the car.

You keep a sword in the car for your three year old?

~It's a pipe.

I'm not sure that's better. Why do you have a pipe in the car for your three year old?

~Why don't you have one for yours?! YOU DON'T KNOW ME!"


I gave it to him and GG immediately cringes like she's about to be pummeled by a three year old.

I reassured her that he doesn't really hit with it.

She said, "What does he do with it?"

I said, "SAM! Show GG what you do with the pipe."

And this is what ensued afterward...

I couldn't function we were laughing so hard. That pipe is better than a whoopee cushion and a fart machine on their honeymoon! And Sam... good grief that kid was laughing from the depths of his soul!

Bring on the judgment but we had such a fun night. Thankful for the distraction and good friends :-)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun weekend making memories to me!! Hope that she is feeling better :)
