Monday, November 4, 2013

Mommy's Protector and Biscuits and Popcorn

Good morning! 

Normally the day after daylight savings time equals cranky as hell Rikki. 

Not this year! 

Don't get me wrong, I'm still against this dreadful tradition because kids don't typically get the memo on an extra hour of sleep. And if they did, they are uninterested because they may miss an hour of Spongebob drama and THAT WILL NOT DO! 

This year? Sam woke up at the equivalent of 5 am. I said, "Lay back down." 

And he did. 

Until 7 am! (Read: 8 am folks)

Glorious sleep! 

And then I fell asleep on the couch and slept through church... 

And then I took a nap with him for 3 hours after lunch... 

And then I went to bed at 10 pm and slept like a baby...

I'm fabulous. :-)

Anyway... weekend happenings! 

The pictures uploaded in a weird order so this is not chronological: 


Sam really loves watching movies and eating popcorn. Today he chose Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I turned around after giving him his popcorn to find this... 

Like a sir... 


My best friend Gena knows how to show me she cares... she cleans my house! It had gotten a little out of hand so while I was out of town last weekend she kicked my husband out and cleaned. As a thank you we took her out to eat at Red Lobster. 

Let's talk about Red Lobster. 

Everyone goes there for the cheddar biscuits and copious amounts of seafood, butter, and cheese. 

I don't eat any of those things. I'm pretty much just gnawing on plants right now so I never look forward to Red Lobster. 

Until now. I ordered their grilled vegetable skewers and darn near ate myself stupid. Those things are the shiz! 

While eating dinner, Sam got a hold of my phone and took a few gems... 
No I don't know what I'm doing to my hair here. Twirling it like an annoying school girl? 

Is he surprised? We may never know. 


There are no pictures to go with this one but I have to tell this story. At some point in the week, when Sam and I got home, as I was getting him out of the car, a car full of boys were driving past and they started yelling cat calls at me (dear boys: ew gross knock it off). Sam jumped out of the car and ran at them with his fist in the air! 

He's my little protector! 

I told Justin about it and he laughed but he seemed a little skeptical. On Saturday after our nap, we went outside to see what Justin was doing (weed-eating our eye sore of a garden! Wahoo!). He asked for some help so I went out to help him and a different car full of guys drove by and did the same damn thing. Justin looked up confused (thanks babe) and then off Sam went! 

He ran after them (he's in a t-shirt, diaper, and tennis shoes) and when those boys were a safe distance away, he yelled at them, "Hey! Don't yell at my mommy!"

That's my boy! 

And now I leave you with something that made me laugh way more than it should have...

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