Friday, November 8, 2013

Our Special Night

Justin had to work late tonight so Sam and I decided we would have a "special night" and watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, eat Chickfila and popcorn, and cuddle. 

Sounds like heaven to me. 

We realized Monsters University was out as well but Justin wanted to watch it Saturday so he could watch it as well. We all agreed to this plan. 

When I picked Sam up from Susan's we were all set to have our special night. On the way home, Sam asked, "Momma, can we watch Monsters Unibersity tonight?"

I said, "No baby. We'll watch that with daddy tomorrow."

He says, "but it's our special night and we can watch what we want! Let me talk to daddy."

I laughed and called Justin on speakerphone to talk to his son. 

Justin tried reasoning with him but the little shit can be persuasive. Finally, Justin says, "If momma will sing to my class then y'all can watch Monsters University."

To catch you up, Justin has this odd habit of calling me on Journalism work nights and having me sing the luau song from Lion King to the kids. 

I never pretended we were normal. 

I agreed but kindly pointed out that I've sung that song a million times to them and they are probably tired of it. 

They simply chose a new song. Problem solvers, they are.

So I sang on speakerphone to Justin's yearbook staff the first verse of Ice Ice Baby. 

And I have to say, I nailed it. This would be my karaoke song if I had the cahones to sing karaoke. But I digress. 

When I finished the first verse with, "check out the hook while DJ revolves it."

Sam busts out in the backseat, "ICE ICE BABY!"

I did good, y'all. Real damn good with this one. 

I laughed so hard! It seems we have sung this a time or two. 

Off we went to get Monsters University. Which was at the kiosk at a Big Red so we needed an Icee. 

Then we got our chicken nuggets from Chickfila and headed home to pop popcorn and watch the movie! 

Be jealous. This is the life. 


  1. Sounds like a pretty great night to me!! ICE ICE BABY

  2. Perfect night! And we had chikfila last Friday too!!
