Friday, November 15, 2013

It's Kayla Layla Guest Post!

You see, what had happened was...

I won this guest post over at It's Kayla Layla and she posted it yesterday and I waited all day yesterday for it to show up in my feed and it didn't and I was all, "KAYLA'S SLEEPS IN A BED OF LIES!"

Then much later in the day I decided to go straight to her site to check and she is totally rad and had posted it and my blogger feed was BIG FAT STUPID and didn't alert me that it was done.

I'm sorry for doubting you Kayla. You do not sleep in a bed of lies. I bet you sleep in a lovely bed... maybe one of those fancy sleep numbers or ones where you can jump on the bed with a glass of wine beside you without fear of a nasty spill.

That'd be nice.

Anyway, jump on over there to hear my worst OCD story ever (its pretty good), leave a comment either here or there with your vote (you'll understand once you read it) and don't forget to show Kayla some love b/c that girl is totes my bloggy soul mate.



  1. I'm so glad you guest posted on her blog & I found you! I heart your humor.

  2. Thanks! I was so excited for the opportunity.
