Wednesday, October 2, 2013

WTF Wednesday! Sometimes you need to take off your knickers...

Let me introduce you to a new themed posting I plan to do weekly (note: plan. I also "plan" to clean my house every weekend. We'll see how this goes.)

Being a snarky and cynical person by nature (part of my charm?), I find myself coming across situations on a near daily basis where I just say, "WTF?!"

They typically get this exact expression. I'm really good at hiding my feelings. 

I thought, "Why hoard all of these experiences to myself. I shall share them with the WORLD!" 

Or the 12 followers I have. Lucky you ;-) 

Without further adieu... Today's WTF Wednesday moment... 

Sometimes you just need to take off your knickers... Can I get an amen?! 

I was walking on campus the other day, no doubt in hot pursuit of lunch time nibbles. As Leanna and I were crossing a bridge, I looked down and saw this... 

Someone's knickers... drawers... under garments... 


These are gray, Hanes, boxer briefs. 

Right beside the sidewalk. 


Possible scenarios... 

1) It was down the way from the frat house. Perhaps there was a wild party and whilst on a streaking run they were dropped? 

2) Basically same scenario except the streaking run started without "dude missing his knickers" and he ran to catch up, ditching his undies on the bridge in a desperate attempt to join his fellow nudists. 

3) My son once took his pants off in a Kroger because he was hot. Maybe dude just got done with a particularly demanding squat workout and just couldn't stand it any more... 

"These boxer briefs are causing me discomfort! I shall discard them on this bridge and enjoy the gentle breeze as God intended it upon my TESTICLES!" 

The only problem is, unless he was wearing a dress, this probably startled any unsuspecting onlookers. 

What do you think? Do you have an explanation for why there are adult male undies on the street? 

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