Monday, October 14, 2013

Police, the Fair, and We May Have to Amputate!

What's up, ya'll?!?!

I'm actually a bit relieved to be heading back to work today. Since my son decided he would blow chunks on Friday, it has put me pert behind at my place of employment and it felt like we ran all weekend long! Work may be a bit relaxing!

The weekend was fun though. I'll hit the highlights...

Sam actually didn't throw up on Friday. He kept that to Thursday night but I didn't want him out and about spreading germs and who knew when/if he would throw up again... so we hung out at the house most of the day. We did venture out that night for some Chinese food (because he begged all day for it) and got a new case for my new iPhone 4s (yes... new 4s... instead of four generations behind, I'm now just three :-)

Saturday morning was the Monster Dash 5K to support Barnabas House and Sam and I were too help block off roads to the campus so the runners could run free of dodging heavy machinery. Aren't we sweet?

Sam wanted to be a police officer again this year and decided I needed to be as well. Do you know they don't sell a female officer outfit that is not slutty?! I went with a size big and long sleeve shirt underneath as well as tights. I de-slutted as much as I could. 

He's a little big for his britches. He was stopping cars just like this. I think he threatened to put someone in jail too. 

But who would argue with this? How adorable is he?!

Also, Sam picked out Justin's Halloween costume as well. Words can't express how happy it makes me. 

Anyone else notice the cannibalism in this picture? 

Good times. 

About the time they started the race was about the time the skies opened up and it down poured! We were soaking wet! But the runners had fun so it was all good I guess. 

After we finished with that and Sam and I had our typical Saturday nap, we decided we should take Sam to the fair. (Apparently I dropped some acid in my slumber because I must have been TRIPPIN!)

What kind of fresh hell is the fair these days?! 

Go ahead and look forward my 5 on Fridays post this week because, spoiler alert, it will be 5 freaks I met at the fair. 

But, while I was burning alive in "introvert, please God don't touch me" hell, Sam was having a blast. So I guess it was worth it (though I will self-medicate before doing that shit again, mark my words). 

Here we are waiting in line for twenty minutes to gain access to the fair. Just to get in the gates it cost us $21. I may have a stroke. 

Sam wanted to ride everything by himself but his stubby little legs prevented this most of the time. He kept swatting Justin's hand away from him. (Also, we bought two $25 wristbands so that Justin could ride with him... grand total so far? $71)

Since I wasn't riding rides I thought I needed to sneak in a few pictures with us. Justin was wearing Sam's hat and photo-bombing us. 

Here he his driving a train. This one was alright for him. 

He is driving some sort of car in this one. We kept waving at him and then he busted out this homecoming parade wave and waved around the entire track. 

I would venture to guess this roller coaster or the Crazy Bus was his favorite "ride". He's a dare devil. But he most like the fun houses. He went in all of them multiple times. That's where we got our money back on the wristbands. 

By this time, I'm introverting so bad I need an anti-anxiety/beer cocktail. See... 

I just hate people. 

But it was all worth it in the end because Sam had so much fun! We ate dinner there (I had a sweet potato and Justin and Sam had a root beer and a pork chop dinner. I think that set us back another $50 or so {eyeroll}). 

First, Sam put his hat on backwards on his own accord. I loved it! Second, what is the big deal about me wearing my pearls to the fair? Two people now have made fun of me for it. Look folks, I wear pearls everywhere: to work, to the grocery store, with dresses, with t-shirts... pearls be all classy and shit, okay? 

While at the fair, Sam started complaining he had a "splitter" (read: blister). Justin carried him for a while and then he forgot about it. Then he'd complain about it again, rinse and repeat. When we got home, we went to investigate and sure enough, he had a blister on both pinky toes. 

This DEMANDED a Cars band-aid. On each foot. 

I got him bandaged up and well... clearly we may have to amputate... 

This kid cracks me up! He is such a little drama queen! 

How was your weekend? 


  1. Sam is too stinkin cute as a little police officer! It's so ridiculous how expensive something like going to the fair can be. At least he had lots of fun (sans blisters)!

  2. Sam was too cute as a little police officer! Isn't it crazy how expensive something like the fair can be? At least he looked like he had a lot of fun (sans blisters)!
