Friday, October 4, 2013

5 Things I'm Looking Forward to this Weekend...

Five on Friday, ya'll!!!!

Today shall be themed: 5 Things I'm Looking Forward to this Weekend...



Tonight, I get to help my long time friend Michelle at ROSS and help her buy some super cute clothes for her fancy graduate assistant position at UCA. This is exciting to me for lots of reasons...

1) I miss her face. 

2) I love playing dress up for people. Seriously, people don't realize how cute they are and what they can pull off. For instance, last time we went, she picked out one dress for her while I picked out about 14. She bought three of the ones I picked for her. And they were SUPER flattering and cute. (This is a tip coming in the future for Thrift Shop Thursdays... take a buddy that will be honest with you). 

3) There's a chance I'll find myself a cute little number or two. If so, I'll chalk it up to "mental health prescription" and "good wife tax." T'sall good! 


Naps with Sam. 

These are sacred to me. Like I may never give them up. He'll be 15 trying to do something on the weekends with his friends and I'll be all, "But what about our naps? Hold your mother's hand while she naps, son!" 

Yes we hold hands while we nap. Yes it is as adorable as you imagine it would be. 


I live in filth guys. I'm the opposite of a clean freak. Almost nothing bothers me. I dislike odd smells, that's about it. 

But even I am annoyed with the state of my house. Here are a list of reasons why (judge if you want... I'm just being real)

1) There is something growing in my shower. It may be the cure for cancer or the cause of it, I'm not sure which. 

2) I cannot figure out what that smell is in Sam's room but it is OFF. PUTTING.

3) We have all hardwood floors that I haven't swept lately. Suffice it to say I refuse to go barefoot right now. As country as I am, this should speak VOLUMES

4) My dog smells funny. He needs a bath, and a haircut. Which reminds me I should make that appointment. 

5) Random clothes EVERYWHERE. Clean ones, dirty ones, ones I thought I had lost, ones I wish I would lose... everywhere... including phantom socks, recently widowed socks, and slutty socks (the ones that keep popping up places but still haven't found a mate... you know the type). 

All this to say... on Saturday, Justin has been instructed to LEAVE and take the boy with him. For hours. Lest he have to help me clean. Shit is going down! 


I've been such a sinner lately! Like last Sunday, I napped instead of going to church. 

In my defense, I couldn't hold my eyes open, but still. My church is RAD-SAUCE and I need to go more often. This weekend it is happening. 


Dork moment... I'm reading a good book right now but I don't have time to sit down with it much. Mark my words, I'm finishing it this weekend! 

That's it folks! See you next week! 


  1. girl. YES.

    i love that you just said radsauce.
    i, also, need to make an appointment for my pup.
    and you are precious (and funny)!

    so excited to be a new follower...YAY!! happy, happy weekend!


  2. I am definitely following you. YOu sound like a hoot!! My house is a bit of a mess, too..we have a kitty..nuff said. I love your comment about your napping with you son when he is Yah, I haven't been going to church much lately, either.

  3. Ha! Thanks guys! I'm happy to have new followers! You are in good company with the other 10 or so that follow this blog... We are the cool kids, don't let anyone tell you any different :-)
