Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thrifty Thursday and Zumba Awareness

Okay guys, I changed the theme just a little bit. While I buy A LOT of clothes from Goodwill (over half of my wardrobe probably), it is hard to plan that far ahead to only pick Goodwill clothes to wear on Thursdays.

But I am a THRIFTY person at all times, so Thrifty Thursday is more fitting.

And here we go with today's outfit!

Okay guys, this entire outfit cost $15. 

Shut. Up. 

I got the dress from ROSS for $13 or something ridiculous. And not only is this dress flattering and adorable but it is also super comfortable and did I mention it was only $13? That's rad and I don't care who knows it. 

The shoes are cleaned up from Goodwill. 

The photo is courtesy of my Thursday morning photographer, Gena, who is clearly really good at holding a camera still ;-) 

And here is my friend Michelle wearing the exact same dress! (We work at different institutions so it totally works... don't hate on our coolness, mkay?)

Isn't she a cute patoot?! 

On to Zumba! 

Back in my younger days, I was on the dance team at school. I picked up fairly quickly, was athletic, wasn't the best dancer by any means but I was good. 

And then I got into college and didn't care any more. Turns out exercise sucks and gets in the way of my lying around time. 

And then dances would happen and instead of busting a move on the dance floor like this ... 

58 Essential Dance GIFs

I would bust a move more like this... 

58 Essential Dance GIFs

Or on a particular frisky night, maybe something like this... 

58 Essential Dance GIFs

Bad. Allll bad. 

My BFF Gena has been on my case for a while now to go to Zumba class with her. And I'm not going to lie, I've been intrigued. Dancing is fun. She's fun. It is bound to be fun. 

But I also extremely dislike being the one person in the room that doesn't know what the ELF is going on... 

dance zumba gif

And this was basically my role of the night... 

It started fine. I was feeling good. I was only a little lost but I caught on quickly and I even learned a few of the routines where I think I could do them on my own at home with no problem. 

Maybe I can be sexy after all ? 


And then it was time for more complicated moves and spinning in circles (I get dizzy easily). 

So I went all introvert on their asses and just stopped and observed for a while. 

Yup, just stood there in the middle of everyone dancing, watching their moves (admittedly committing them to memory but it probably didn't feel that way to them). 

I did this for one song and then realized I was probably getting on everyone's LAST nerve just standing there taking up space so I moved over to the wall to watch the next song too. 

This apparently concerned the instructor. She came to check on me b/c she thought I was in distress. 

Bless my heart. I've gone and concerned the instructor. She checked to see if I was breathing okay. She checked to see if I had water. (I wasn't even out of breath or sweating at this point... just being my awkward self!)

Nope... no distress to speak of unless you are talking about the SOCIAL DISTRESS I'M EXPERIENCING RIGHT NOW!!!! 

Introverting Printable - (

After that song ended I mustered up the courage to go back out there and I'm glad I did. It really was fun. And while I am no Jessica Alba, I'm pretty confident I was at least this sexy... 

susan boyle euro 2012 gif


  1. This was too funny! Props to you for going, I wouldn't have the balls!

  2. My friends forced me into my one and only zumba class where uncoordinated self summarily embarassed myself and asked the instructor to call 911 so i could go home.
