Wednesday, April 30, 2014

WTF Wednesday: Mean People

I haven't blogged in a while and I'm sorry for that. I know all 12 of you were hanging on the edge of your seats wondering where I went. 

I may be a bit sparse in the coming weeks but I will do my best to pop in every once in a while. If any bloggers want to trade interview questions and swap, holla atcha girl! 

Today, I'd like to feature mean people. 

Dear Mean People of the World, 

WTF is wrong with you? Stop being being mean. It is unbecoming and it is a quick way to get pushed down the stairs if you catch me on a bad day. I have a bit of a tolerance problem for bullshit. 

Just be nice. If this is too hard for you I will gladly walk around and slap you with a sack full of bar soap every time you do something mean. Consider it my gift to society. 


The rest of society

I mean, for real though. Tornadoes just ripped through Arkansas. Utter devastation across the state. And then there are jackasses posting on Facebook about how the weathermen blew it out of proportion and they need to stop over-exaggerating the weather. 

Umm... 18 people died! I think they nailed that shit on the head. And also, from the perspective of someone who lost people in the tornado, you look like a giant douche canoe who thinks the world revolves around them. How's about your get your ass down here and help your fellow man instead of bitching that you didn't get to catch your show that night. 

Also, if you take pictures of people without them knowing and then post them on the internet so others can mock them... you are a bastard. Those are real people with real feelings and you just exploited that because you have a superiority complex. 

Finally, what is the deal with "one-uppers"? If someone tells you something that they did well... CELEBRATE WITH THEM! Don't point out how you did that before and you did it better than they did. Chances are if you are shallow enough to make that type of leap, you weren't that good anyway! If you can't earn the praise you desire, then just do better. Don't steal the joy of other people because you are mediocre. 

As you can tell, I have some thoughts on these issues. The moral of the story is simple. 

Just be nice.

Think about the people you like to be around. Typically they make you feel better about yourself in some way. 

Now think about the people you don't like to be around. They typically make you feel bad about yourself in some way. 

Which category do you want to be in?


  1. Sorry you're having a shifty week. Booze helps. Trust me. You're in my thoughts

  2. Booze helps...shes right, so do pills....but yes some folks are just plain dicks...and nobody likes a plain dick
