Wednesday, April 9, 2014

WTF Wednesday: Who the Hell is Lucy?

This post takes a bit of prep work but if you are into creepy shit kids say, hang around for it. 

 When I was pregnant with Sam but we didn't know if he was a he or a she, I asked my then 3 year old niece, Rylee, what I should name the baby. 

She said, "Lucy." 

I said, "Well what if it is a boy?"

She said, "Sam." 

The creepy part of that was my grandpa, Sam, died when I was in 4th grade. She didn't know that or his name. My sister and I have always missed him dearly but never really talk about him or his name. 

I was thrilled when Justin said we could name him Sam if he was a boy because it was meaningful in so many ways. 

Fast forward to creepy conversations with Sam. 

Sam has never heard that story. He knows Rylee wanted to name him Sam but that's about it. 

We were going to Walmart the other day, and Sam says, "Mom, I need to buy my sister a present." 

I said, "Your sister? Who is your sister?"

He said, "Lucy." 

He proceeded to tell me he met her in heaven and she isn't allergic to peanut butter like he his so she'd really like some peanut butter and she likes healthy food too so we could get her some of that. 

And I'm still here going,

"WTF?!?!?! WHO IS LUCY!?!?!?!" 

No, I'm not pregnant. No, I've never had a miscarriage. 

But if I do get pregnant and it is a girl, I'm not sure I'll tempt the gods by not naming her Lucy. 

What's the creepiest thing your kid has ever said?


  1. Holy. Shit. I don't know what else to write.

  2. God damn girl......that is freaky!!!

  3. That is crazy! I love stories like this!
    I wrote on my blog once about the time my kid met Jesus.
