Monday, April 21, 2014

Obligatory Easter Post

I do love Easter. It is one of my favorite holidays. 

And Sam and I had a fantastic Easter weekend even if we didn't get to spend it "like a family," as Sam says. Justin went to visit his mom in St. Louis so it was just me and the boy all weekend long. 

It started on Saturday with Sam's tee ball game. He really likes running the bases. He still rounds home and then heads back to first. 

Then we watched Frozen again, this time because his Papa bought it for him for Easter. 

Am I the only one who doesn't adore this movie? SO MUCH SINGING! 

I do not enjoy random singing and between them singing to each other instead of talking (if you want to sing, sing a song. Don't just sing random words at people.) and "Do You Want to Build a Snowman"... I finally just tuned out. 

Yay sisterly love and men not running our lives and BURN THE BRAS... but just don't sing so much. 

But, Sunday morning was all the fun! 

I don't lie to Sam and tell him about the Easter bunny. Life sized rabbits sneaking into my house to leave a basket full of crap mom can buy at the store is weird. 

Also... I don't buy him an Easter basket with goodies. The basket is empty. If you want treats, ye best go hunt fer them in ye YARD like I did growing up. (apparently I'm a pirate)

Scratch that: My mom always got us a chocolate Easter bunny. And I would continue this tradition (because gnawing on frozen chocolate bunny butt is the bomb!) except my son can't eat chocolate and I'm too lazy to find out if they have a milk-free chocolate bunny version. 

I also saw this mad awesome post about Resurrection Rolls for Easter morning. You dip a marshmallow in butter (milk free in our case) and roll it in cinnamon and sugar, then wrap it in a crescent roll and bake as directed. The marshmallow represents Jesus' body, the cinnamon and sugar represent the spices to treat his body, and the crescent roll represents the tomb. 

After you bake it, the tomb is empty! (and delicious). 

Here is how it should look: 

Here is how mine looked: 

Oh well. They were still empty and delicious so who cares if they looked infected? Right? 

After we had breakfast I went to hide the eggs in the yard. Here are some preshies of Sam hunting them: 

He was very excited! 

Then we headed to church for more egg hunting fun! 

 Nap time could not have come faster. 

What was your favorite Easter moment?  



  1. "Nap time could not have come faster" - haha, you speak the truth!!

  2. awww...he looks adorable!! I like your style...making him work for it!!

  3. Glad you guys had a new one. Also glad you do not do that bunny shit. We don't have an Easter Bunny we have a mom and dad in this house.
