Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Recap

Every year for Thanksgiving we go to Justin's family's house in Memphis. You would think this would bother me because we literally never go to my family's house on Thanksgiving or Christmas, but there are 1,000,000 of us and all of our parents are divorced and remarried and that would mean running to 1,000,001 different houses and I'm just not interested in that. 

So on these two holidays we go to Memphis where we stay in one house the entire time and see everyone we need to on that side at the same time.

Here are some highlights... 

Sam loved these chewy mints. Like he asked for them from the time he woke up until the time we were headed upstairs for bed. I personally find them disgusting but whatever floats his bobber. 

Here he has collected all of them and is trying to "sell" them to Grandma. Grandma isn't interested in buying them and tells him she doesn't have any money. He tells her they are $1. She still doesn't have any money. He then starts digging in her pockets and finds a credit card. He "swipes" it and hands it back to her and says, "It was $60."

Future in politics much?
Sam started randomly taking "crap" from the house and telling us he was building a "trap." His trap consisted of: solo cups, a stool, sales ads, a cookie container, a stuffed bear, plastic bags, a tea pitcher and an empty water bottle. He was very proud of himself for this "invention." Uncle Gene was not. 

While taking our nap, my husband (who is on blood pressure medicine) sent me this little picture with a text that said, "I'm all for trying to get off medication". 

I replied with a picture of my own. 

He sent back: 

I still say I win :-) 

I don't remember why I condoned this but somehow we though a brownie/cookie sandwich was a good idea. Of course, I had Sam's full support. But right after this we laid down for a nap. An hour later he still wasn't asleep. When I asked him why he said, "I have too much hungry to sleep." Apparently brownie/cookie sandwich isn't a filling enough lunch. Who knew? 

He is really into "having something special" for breakfast right now. And no matter how much I explain that if we have something "special" every morning it is no longer "special." It is just "breakfast." He doesn't get it. So of course on Saturday morning he wanted pancakes and of course Aunt Donna was happy to oblige. This is him buttering the pancakes. If pancakes could have heart attacks, all 12 of them would have been in cardiac arrest from the amount of butter he put on them. 

This is documentation of him face-planting on the brick steps. He had a little egg in between his eyes and then the scratch in the middle. He thought he needed a bandaid on it but thought better of it because his friends might laugh at him if it looked funny. 

And let me tell you, when we got home, he was full of piss and vinegar. 

One example: 

He has a new affinity for giant plastic straws. He especially likes to blow on them like they are a whistle. 

If you don't know this about me, whistling makes me bath salt crazy so I tend to discourage this type of behavior. 

He was going to town on a straw on Sunday morning and I'd had enough. I said, "Sam knock it off." 

He then went to the drawer to get more straws. 

I said, "What are you doing?! Didn't I just say knock it off?! That isn't very nice, Sam."

He said, "Well it isn't very nice that you won't let me do it!" as he puts them back in the drawer. 

Lucky for him he survived to see another day b/c his daddy found that little retort so funny that we all ended up laughing. Nothing like a little positive reinforcement for bad behavior!

1 comment:

  1. OMG rikki ya'll make me laugh so hard i start to cry...i love it...keep the stories coming!
