Friday, December 20, 2013

Five of the Funniest Sam Sayings of the Past Week

My little smart ass has been on a role lately. In no particular order, here are some of my favorites and their back stories.


He stayed the night with Susan on Wednesday night. I called him to say goodnight and to see how his day was. Apparently in the midst of me talking to Susan first, Sam decided it was time for a poop. When Susan went to ask him if he wanted to say goodnight to me, I heard him yell, "Yeah, but I'm poopin!"

Susan took the phone to him and held it up to his ear. He says, "Goodnight mommy."

I said, "Goodnight sweetie. I love you."

He said, "I love you!"

He apparently shoves the phone away at that time. Susan asks, "Was that all you wanted to say?"

His response?

"What else IS THERE?!"


Yesterday a friend and I took our kids to see Santa (which due to our inability to read, we missed. He was there the night before). We stopped by Chickfila to eat first. Of course they wanted to play in the play place, which we allowed them to do for 10 minutes. After several times coming in and out of the play ground, Sam comes out and asks how many minutes are left.

Amy says, "Actually time is up. Go get your shoes on."

We were expecting disappointment. Instead, Sam runs full sprint back to the play place, while jumping and yelling,


It looked a bit 80's movie-esque, complete with in the air fist-pump.

And yes, the whole restaurant took notice and most of them laughed. Most. 


You would think with all of the excitement about Santa, Sam would, I don't know, believe we were going to see the real Santa.

But alas, on the way there, he says, "Momma, we aren't going to see the real Santa."

I said, "What makes you think that?"

He said, "Because he is fake."

I said, "Why do you think that?"

He said, "MOM. He is wearing a COSTUME!"

I finally said, "Then just keep the secret okay? Lily and Avery believe he is the real Santa."

Leave it to my 3 year old to ruin Christmas for the older kids.


This morning at Susan's, it was apparent that she has checked out for the holidays. How do I know?

When Sam got there, she says, "Sam, it's 'do what you want day' today so your friends are downstairs playing under the table because I just don't care today."

I thought this was funny. Sam thought it was ammo.

Sam and Cullen were playing upstairs with trucks. Sam took his and the one Cullen was playing with. When Tamara called attention to this, Sam said, "It's do what you want day!"

How do you argue with that logic?!


I'm having to go back more than a week for this one, but it got me tickled.

One night a few weeks back, I couldn't get Justin to turn on the dang tv. I mean, it was on, but he wasn't playing anything on Netflix.

Sam really wanted to watch cartoons and I really didn't want to end up in a straight jacket so we passed on the cartoons. Justin either wouldn't do something with the remote or couldn't decide on a show (I forget which), but finally I snapped and yelled, 

"Just turn on Raising Hope and everyone will be happy!!!!"

Sam retorts quickly, "NOT EVERYBODY!"

What's your Five on Friday this week?


  1. hahahah LOVE that kid and I haven't even met him :)

  2. love your kid!! he cracks me up...hes so his daddy's child oh and his momma...he got the rough end of the stick having two nuts for parents
