Monday, February 4, 2013

I didn't know Petco had it in them...

Sometimes being a parent is hard.

Like when your kid is sick... or when you have to explain where babies come from... or when you leave your 3 year old in charge of getting the dog a present...

Oh you haven't heard of that last one?

Let me tell you all about it.

For Christmas, Sam noticed that Skipper didn't have a stocking.


At least Sam thought so. He insisted we get the dog a present. So Justin and Sam head off to our local Petco to get the dog a Christmas present. Oh. Joy.

When they get back, the first thing out of Justin's mouth was, "Sam picked out toys for Skipper."

I thought to myself, "Well wasn't that the idea?" But if he felt the need to announce it again, more power to him.

Then I saw it.


The "dog" toy that my son picked out at Petco.

Now, what does that look like to you? 


That's what it looks like to me too. But still. You are perverted. 


When I saw it, I just blankly stared at Justin. And my thought process was something like, "I know the kid doesn't realize what he picked out, but surely the adult did. Why did we pay money for this?!"

So when company comes over now, I'm constantly on the alert for where The Big Pink is.  Because, honestly, is there a guest in your house in the world that would pick it up and throw it for the dog?!

Um, no. But they may never come back to your house if they catch eye of it without explanation. 

Anyway, it is unlike me to pass up an opportunity to be perverted and/or awkward. So what do I do? 

I randomly text this picture to some friends. And randomly show it to friend without warning. And their reactions every time? 


Every. Time. 

So Justin and I have decided that The Big Pink is a part of the family now. It is awkward enough to be, so why not embrace it. Justin's plan was to take it with us on family trips, and then as we are standing in front of the Disney World sign or the Washington Monument... take one with The Big Pink as well. Because the therapy we will need to pay for Sam isn't quite expensive enough. You know? 

So I leave you with this... 

When your Monday starts to get you down. And you don't know if you can take it any more. Just remember... 

The Big Pink is probably awkwardly laying in my living room floor... 

Happy Monday, folks. You're welcome for the nightmares.

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