Friday, February 15, 2013

Things that make me throat-punchy

In no particular order...

1) Antibiotics.

Really medicine of any kind. I don't even like taking Tylenol.

2) Putting sheets on a bed.

It should be called "mattress wrestling" because that's what it is. And half the time I don't even win the match. I just go all "midnight Monopoly" on it and quit in a violent rage.

3) Talking about myself in front of a group.

I recently joined Toastmasters to better my public speaking skills. I need to get better so that the next time I speak in front of the Chancellor I don't sound like Elmer Fudd trying to catch a wascally wabbit.

Today a table topic was thrown my way. The question was, "have you ever had a crush on a friend's boyfriend?"

Throat. Punchy. (btw... Dodged the question like a boss)

4) Having to explain to my child why he can't eat what the other kids are eating.

Disclaimer: this one came from an experience today. If you are a mom that brought something Sam couldn't have, this is my being angry at the situation, not at you. I promise.

I don't expect everyone to cater to my son's allergies. That would be ridiculous. And we normally do really well when there are snacks around that Sam can't have.

But today at his Valentines party at daycare, there was so much he couldn't have! Normally it is just one or two things, no big deal.

Two kinds of cookies, brownies, and cupcakes. Not to mention the cheese tray and the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Now there were dairy free cupcakes that I made and some rice Krispy treats he could have. And when Susan saw the writing on the wall that there was going to be a lot he couldn't have, she ran out to Kroger (with strep I might add) to get some dairy free cookies for him.

But it still breaks my heart. And he looks so sad. And it makes me throat punchy.

5) Whistling.

There is a lady at work that whistles while she works.

My office has a balcony that overlooks a room below. When I hear her whistling down there, I picture myself jumping off of my balcony and tackling her Batman style. Instead, I sit there and let my blood pressure get dangerously high.

By the way, she is a lovely lady that I adore. Save the whistling.

That's today's edition of why Rikki shod be medicated. Keep it classy.

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