Friday, February 22, 2013

Sam's Trip to Jenni's and the Morning After

My son has become obsessed... OBSESSED... with going to baby Lilli's house (one of his friends from daycare). But he doesn't ask to go to baby Lilli's, he asks to go to "Jenni's house." Jenni is Lilli's mom.

Sam thinks Jenni is his girlfriend. It is borderline creepy, but mostly cute. (Jenni may beg to differ here)

This all started because Lilli had her birthday party last weekend and because I was working, we weren't able to go. We kept telling Sam that we'd try, but it just didn't work out. Apparently during all this, Lilli having a trampoline was mentioned and that's all it took for Sam. Jenni would be there AND there would be a trampoline. Nuff said.

When Sunday rolled around and Sam noticed we hadn't gone to Jenni's, he became obsessed.

"When are we going to Jenni's?"

"Momma, I supposed to go to Jenni's and jump on da trampoline."

"I want to go to Jenni's house."

"Momma, it is not nice to not let me go to Jenni's house!"

Over and over and over.

So I texted Jenni, hopeful we could work something out.

We decided that last night would be our night. She would pick him up from Susan's and I'd just go to her house after work.

And they had so much fun! They jumped and played and played hide and seek... They just had a grand old time.

This picture is of one of Lilli's toys that since the dawn of time, she has named Sam.

I mean, I see the resemblance...

This cracks me up. Mainly because it is CLEAR to me why she has named this toy Sam. Look at that short, stocky body. Look at the hair. Look at that GIANT FAT HEAD!

If Sam ever needs glasses, he's getting turquoise round ones. That's all there is to it. 

As we were leaving their house, Jenni told Sam he could come back. I told her in that moment that was a mistake but there was no going back at that point. 

Sam and I got to the car and were pulling out of the driveway when he says, "I want to go to Jenni's house."

I said, "Well Jenni said you could come back whenever you wanted so I'm sure we will go back."

Sam said, in an angry rage, "I know. I want to go to Jenni's NOW!"

I could not contain my laughter. He knew damn well what was said, he was exercising the invitation! 

Later on as we got closer to home, I guess Sam was looking out the window and saw the rain drops. From the back seat, I hear, "Momma, what makes dat condensation on da window?"

Como say what?

Did my three year old just ask me to explain condensation?! 

How do you even know the word condensation?! Let alone use it correctly and inquire about its origins?!

What I should have said was, "Sam it was raining earlier and that is what has caused the condensation on the window. Good job asking questions!"

What I did say was, "How do you know the word condensation?! Why don't you wait until 4th grade science to find out about it?!"

That is parenting at its finest, ya'll. 

When we got home, I made Sam an offer to try to convince him to stay in the damned bed all night and not creep me the crap out at all hours of the morning. I told him if he stayed in bed all night until I came upstairs to get him up, I'd give him a big lollipop. 

He started yelling for me at 4 am. 

I got upstairs and he said, "Can I still have a lollipop?"

I said, "If you will stay in the bed."

I came back downstairs. I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep and it wasn't worth it to try so I started getting ready/morning routine. At about 5:15 am I came out of my room into the living room to find my dog asleep in one recliner and my child asleep in the other. 

Well that's now I have I left it... 

Question: How early is too early to threaten to beat your child until his voice changes? Is that still frowned upon? 

He got upstairs before I had a chance to deliver, either way, so I guess we are good. And he has yelled for me no less than 5 times since that moment. 

I can't wait for him to ask me if he is going to get a lollipop... 

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