Saturday, July 6, 2013

A list of some Sam-firsts...

I am WAY behind on blogging so I'm combining what could be several posts into one... highlighting some "firsts" of Sam's... 


He can stand in the shallow end. Stand. Hello new levels of anxiety! 
As you all know, we have invested in swim lessons for Sam. With his Papa having a pool there are too many opportunities for him to fall in the pool and not know how to save himself.
He loves the pool so we get in as much time as we can to practice. 
This kid has just taken off in the water. You remember my post about his first swim lesson? (If not, find it here for Take 1 & 2 and here for Take 3 (I skipped takes 4-6). But I wasn't exactly hopeful after that fiasco. Now... well... he is jumping off the diving board. This is the first time he did that. Listen hard for me to have a little flip out about it. 

This is us celebrating that he JUMPED OFF THE DIVING BOARD! Now he wants to do it all the time. Sidenote: I have to catch him b/c I'm the only one that can handle the pressure of catching a three year old off the diving board. Translation: The lady with the aversion to getting her face wet gets splattered no less than 15 times right in the face with water every time we go swimming. Ugh. 

Oh... did I mention, he also swims?! Watch...

Also, my son now quotes the Godfather. Watch... 

Yes, he is saying, "Say hello to my little friend!"

Action shot! He's a bird! He's a plane! He's... way too young to be doing this! 

His first little boy haircut: 

Preface: I have never in my life experienced my son to act the way he acted at this last trip to visit my family. I think it was a mixture of a lot of things: lack of sleep, daddy out of town, this unnatural, paralyzing fear that I'm going to leave him... but let's just say this. Had there been a Gypsy family on the side of the road looking to buy a little boy on the way home, I might have sold him. But they would have brought him back. 

While at my mom's house, we decided Sam needed a haircut and they talked me into a little boy haircut. Up until this point we have just used scissors. We never used the trimmer for the back and sides. Today was the day... 

Apparently hair is the source of all of his happiness. 
And I'm evil for stealing it. 

Isn't he a joy? 
Cute right? 

First Dentist Appointment: 

We decided to take him for his first dentist appointment on the 28th. To say I was a bit nervous about it would be an understatement. 

1) He had just acted like a little TURD the weekend before at the thought of me leaving him. I was under the impression we were having our teeth cleaned at the same time so I could just see the tantrum about to take place. 

2) Strangers were going to be sticking random objects in his mouth and well... do you blame him for freaking out? 

As per usual, he proved me completely wrong. Why do I continue to guess how my son will act? I will never get it right. 

He did fantastic! He counted his teeth, and played with the toys, and opened his mouth really big for the hygienist and the dentist... he did great. They talked about how wonderful he was and how most three year olds don't do that well at all... Ahhhhh redemption from the previous weekend! 

No cavities! 
So we now have swimming, haircuts, and dentists under our belt. We are going to continue the swim lessons until we are confident if he fell in he could get himself out. We are almost there but not quite. 

I couldn't be more proud of my son though. Selling him to gypsies or not, he is pretty cool cat. 

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