Thursday, June 6, 2013

Swim Lessons: Take 3

To appreciate this post, you should really read Take 1 and 2

To say that I had a rough day would be an  understatement. It isn't important why the day was rough necessarily. Some days are good. Some days are rough. This one can definitely be filed in the "rough" category. 

And as evidenced in Take 1 of swim lessons, I could see that taking Sam to swim lessons was probably going to be pretty crappy. I know that in his lessons with me he did really well. And up until the time my day turned pretty crappy, I believed he was going to do great. 

But when I set any expectations of Sam in the way of "good behavior vs. bad behavior," I'm always wrong. Always. 

I managed to get to Susan's and get Sam. He seemed excited. He promised me he would be brave. He demanded he get to use his brand new noodle and not the noodle of the common folk (AKA noodles provided by the LRRC). I promised him a surprise if he was brave and didn't cry and did everything Daniel said. 

And then, to my surprise, he did great! He laughed and played with Daniel. Did what Daniel asked of him. Freaked out a little but not to the point of crying when Daniel let go. 

And then... at the end... he went down the slide! 

I realize you all aren't Sam's mother so you are thinking to you self, "Well... la tee freaking da!"

For a boy that just two days ago was clinging for dear life should you even hint that you would leave him and that noodle to their own devices...this is a big deal. 

Daniel was so excited...I was so excited... Sam was so excited... good times! 

Here is the video of it... not that you care... 

When he got out of the pool, he came running to me to tell me all about it. Then he got a sucker and off we went. 

Then he loudly proclaimed, "MOMMA! Dat boy over dare scares me." As he points. 

I couldn't tell who he was talking about so I just decided we should just leave. 

When in the car (after calling PaPa to tell him all about how brave he was), I asked him to describe the boy who freaked him out. 

He says, "He was wound (round) and his hair and cheeks were red!"

This is the best I can come up with... 

I promise, I did not see this kid there. 

We traveled on home and I had every intention of taking Sam to Chick-fil-a as his surprise for being so brave. 

Until we got home and he announced, "my pee pee came out." 


He has not peed his pants since the Braves won a World Series. Good grief. 

And did he just pee his pants a little bit? 


He SOAKED the chair, the fabric, and... oh yes... the seat of the car. I drive the urine mobile now. 


To say I had a mini-stroke-like meltdown is an understatement. Justin decided his role should be to make sure I didn't beat my child or throw a piss covered car seat at him. I'm proud to say I held it together to at least accomplish this. However, I informed Justin that perhaps it was best if him and Sam went by themselves to eat since I clearly shouldn't be allowed near people. 

He agreed. Good man. 

Guys... I seriously came straight inside, went to my bedroom, got in my pajamas and laid very still on the bed. That's it. No one talking to me. No tv on. Nothing. For about 20 minutes or so. It was just what I needed. 

Sam was afraid I was mad at him and was worried that I wasn't eating so he made sure Daddy brought something home for me. He really is a sweet kid. 

Once I had chilled enough and recharged a bit, I decided I needed to document this with a blog. I like to remember things and blogging is therapuetic for me. 

When I got to the part about the kid that scared him (aka Patrick Renna apparently), Sam came in the house and brought me my tacos. 

He looks on the screen and says, "MOMMA! DAT IS DA BOY DAT SCARED ME!"

I was just trying to be funny! That's what I pictured when he described him to me and I just knew there was no way. 

So what have I concluded from this? 

There are two possible explanations:

1) My son is afraid of gingers and any ginger looks the same to him. 


2) When Sam sees gingers, he really sees this... 

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