Monday, March 21, 2011

Sam's 14 month old babble

This post serves nothing more than a milestone marker for me. Sam's 15 month check up is coming up soon and the doctor always asks milestone questions and I always freeze and forget things to mention. So here goes...

Sam is...
standing up without hanging on to something (new development as of today)
waving bye bye
dancing (I cannot describe how precious this is)
building things with big leggos (one of his favorites)

Sam is saying...
Paw Paw
Milk (Mill)
Thank You
Bye Bye (this one we are really good at)
Hi (while pretending to be on the phone)
Night Night (ni ni)
Amen (min)

Note on his personality:

This boy is so giving. I have made mention of this before (he loves sharing his cheerios with mama and dada). But he is so much more giving than I have seen any other kid be. He will take a break from eating to offer you food. He will stop playing to bring you a toy. He will chase you down in the house to share his food with you. He goes above and beyond.

The other day, a kid at daycare who is a few months older than Sam wanted something to drink. His drink wasn't in the room at the time but Sam had one. Unprompted, Sam stopped drinking his and offered it to the other little boy.

Words cannot express how thankful I am that he is already showing his generosity. This is something we pray for every night. Every night before bed we pray for a number of things, but one is that God continues to lead his mama and dada to raise him into a compassionate and wise young man. With that comes generosity.

I'm such a proud mama.

1 comment:

  1. sam is so giving and generous because he has two sweet giving and generous parents. thanks for bringing him to the party. i enjoyed my sam time!
