Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Muh Babyee Iz WUN!!! WAHHHH!

Ok maybe that was dramatic. But my baby is one today. And it is amazing and sad and wonderful and unbelievable.

I keep recounting the events of this day last year. It is so funny now. I remember my water "breaking" (nothing like what I was told it would be like) and me not knowing that was happening, and me not mentioning it to my husband, and me going back to sleep... and finally getting up a few hours later and flittingly mentioning it to my sister... who through some investigation found out my water had broken...

Still wasn't convinced... finally called the doctor (we are at a full 4 hours now after water had broken)... patiently waiting their call back... about the time I go to work I get a call that tells me to go to the hospital and get checked... still don't call husband... nurse confirms water broke... still don't call husband... Around noon I finally ask the nurse if I should call family... she acts weird about it... I rephrase the question to "Am I having a baby today?" She says yes. I finally call my husband.

I was CONVINCED this was a false alarm. I was scared to death of a c-section basically my entire life. When they tell me I have to have a c-section... I was like, "Ok, sounds good." It didn't hit me that I had a baby until I was in the room with him alone, after all the family had gone home.

So in order to not repeat myself too much from previous posts, I will share some super cute videos of my now one year old son.

This video is of Sam insisting upon sharing his bottle with me. Warning: there is a considerable amount of sound interference with it. It isn't terrible but slightly annoying.

This video is one of two parts (you'll get both). Sam finds sneezing hilarious. Just watch...

Those videos crack me up!

As of one year, my son can:

Army crawl
Regular crawl
Stand supported
Pull up on things
Walk supported
Push a walker (lion thing)
Say: Dada, mama, pawpaw, ball, bye bye, thank you, and huh?

He also completely knows what "no" means and is already a charmer. When he gets into something he isn't supposed to (Wii games for instance), you say, "NO SAM!" and he looks at you, then grabs one, hands it to you, and grins really big, as if to say, "But I was getting it for you..." Such a charmer.

We are also officially quitting the bottle. He has no attachment issues so I forsee no problems. The babysitter took it away during the day yesterday and he never missed a beat. I replaced the morning bottle this morning with a sippee and he just took longer eating. No biggie.

He is also into a new phase of NO MORE BABY FOOD! Especially dinners. He wants to feed himself, he wants big kid food to eat for himself, and he is loud about it. It is offensive to offer him baby food. And if he sees you cut it up for him, he doesn't want it. Such a stinker.

Finally, our plans for tonight. Nothing special. He is getting a present from momma and daddy tonight, and probably Gena too (she's family too). He is getting cupcakes at daycare today because he is so loved there and they insist on making them. The real party is Saturday. I'll post lots of pictures when the time comes.

Dear Sam,

You are one year old today. I'm trying really hard to teach you to hold up one finger when someone asks you how old you are. You are unimpressed with doing this as of now. I love your little personality. You are such a joy. Always smiling, laughing, and being goofy. And you are a goof ball! No doubt about it.

When you woke up this morning, your fat little leg was stuck in the crib. You were almost too tired to notice, but when I started to release your leg, you cried some. I felt bad for you and picked you up and you immediately went back asleep on my shoulders.

We went to lay down on the couch and you slept on me for another hour. It was such a special time for me. Because one year ago exactly, that's how you slept as well. I didn't cry this time, but I never want to forget it.

You are the light of my life and I cannot believe I lived 25 years without knowing you. I love you so much!



  1. Happy Birthday little guy! The sneezing video cracked me up. Sorry we can't be at the party.

  2. Dale, thanks for sharing about this special day. I LOVE baby stories and such. He is a doll! Hope y'all have a happy and memorable first birthday!
    PS I'm following now :)

  3. oh this was perfect, I smiled as my eyes leaked a very happy birthday to sweet sam

  4. I didn't know your birth story. My water broke with Jillian but I wasn't sure that was what had happened. I didn't tell Nathan and I went to school (it was semester test day and I just knew I had to be there). When I talked to the nurse, she suggested I come and get checked. Sure enough, labor was upon me. I was in denial. I even drove myself to the doctor's office!
