Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Specialists Stink

Specialists don't really stink. Having to take your baby to them does. Big time.

Sam had his one year old appointment today. Every appointment we have ever had his head has been big. Off the charts big in fact. And I have eyes, I'm well aware that my kid is sporting a melon. But up until this point, it hasn't been concerning. Dr. O has acknowledged that his head is big and always said, "If it doesn't level out pretty soon we may have to have it checked."

Here comes the doom... today when talking about his weight, he is bigger than 95% of boys his age. That has actually come down, we were off the charts there last time too.

He is taller than 75% of boys his age. That is right around where he has been the last couple of times.

Then there is the matter of his head... Dr. O said, "Well his head is concerning." It is at this point I know this conversation is going nowhere but south and fast.

Dr. O explains that while Justin and I have big heads ourselves, we still need to have it checked because he could be having a problem processing the cerebral fluid that the brain naturally makes and this could be causing his head to be bigger.

This is when I started to cry. Dr. O felt really bad for making me cry, but stuck with his story (which I appreciate). Basically, the likelihood of something being wrong is really small, but in the event that this is the 1 child out of 1000 that have this problem, he'd hate to wait any longer and risk damage being done.

So... Sam has to go see a neurologist now. Bleck. The thought makes me want to throw up. I'm afraid when the day of the appointment comes I may actually throw up.

To clarify: I fully, 100% believe that he is fine. I have a melon-head myself. So does his big-headed daddy. When he was born, the nurse said, "Look at that pumpkin-head!" He was doomed from birth (and thank God for c-sections BTW)!

The thing that makes me cry and makes my stomach want to invert is that I AM TAKING MY CHILD TO HIS SECOND SPECIALIST IN A YEAR! And he is healthy! It is infuriating!

And don't get me wrong, I'm down with the better safe than sorry mentality. I love Sam's pediatrician with an unnatural love. But dammit... just the thought of taking your son to a NEUROLOGIST to see if he is RETAINING FLUID IN HIS BRAIN which would mean BRAIN SURGERY... yup, just threw up a little.

So if I seem off for the next month or so... not quite myself... just pray for Sam and take no offense... I've got some stuff on my pumpkin-headed mind.


  1. Praying for you guys. I know it all seems very scary, but hopefully you will go to the specialist and then just be reassured that you have a big healthy kid, with a melon to match. :)
    Btw, I have never noticed you or Justin either one having big heads...but that's neither here nor there. I just thought you might not need a complex on top of worrying about your baby.
    Please keep me informed, if you can remember. Hang in there!

  2. Just added you to my prayer list. ;) Tim gives me a hard time about praying for every individual child of China before I eat, because I take a long time but realistically I'm sending up requests for friends like you. :) I don't have much reassurance for you because I don't know much about the situation but i do know that you should focus on the positive things. If he is hitting his developmental milestones then he's probably doing just fine and anything that maybe a bit off can likely be fixed fairly simply. And we KNOW that God has great healing powers just look at your Momma :) Be strong, and trust in HIM.

  3. Talon's head is rather large too.. It comes by him through his big headed daddy. I will pray for baby sam! I know how you feel we have had to go to children's WAY to often this year, Luckily it has all worked out to be minor. Brylee goes for ultrasounds of her kidneys, liver, and a GI tomorrow. The amazing thing about kids is they bounce back and are resilient. Talon never has grown into his big ole head, but I sure do love it! I know how you feel and I will pray for peace for you as well!

  4. Praying for you all. Like I said on Megan's blog...I admire your sanity through this! Even if it's nothing, I can only imagine how scary it is to be in your shoes. Heck Lex has had a cold for the past week and I've practically made myself sick worrying about her. I'm paranoid! I couldn't imagine being in your shoes.
    However, I know a lot of melon headed babies :) so I'm sure he's fine. Keep us posted.

  5. Anytime someone mentions that there MIGHT be something wrong with your child, you get that sick feeling in the very depths of your being. Try not to worry - although I know how impossible that is. You know he is doing well and functioning where he should be.
