Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wordless 2nd Post on Thursday (except for captions)

(Sam's birthday cake)

(Sam's makeshift bath after said birthday cake)

(Sam's nap after birthday party... someone was pooped!)

(Sam's first snow he could play in... but didn't)

(Snow again, but with Daddy)

(But I want in the kitchen... not in JAIL!)

(This is what happens when you leave a plate of food unattended around a 1 year old. Stuff gets ATE!)


  1. Cute kid, now you move to Alma so I can see him more. Don't make me tell you again.

  2. That last picture is CRACKING me up...he's looking at you like..."oops am I in trouble" HAHA!! He's a friggin' doll!!

  3. LOL I know! Justin came in yelling, "SAM NO!" and Sam just looks up at him like, "Am I in trouble or something?" And then gets another handful of potatoes. Poor kid, he was just hungry!
