Thursday, June 19, 2014

Awards and Answers and Panties, Oh My!

I just said the "p"word. In a title. Ermagerd. 

The lovely Christine from Sold Out Arenas (funny story about that title in a moment) nominated me for an award and since I am ALL THE BLOGGY LAZY right now, I'm going to use this as my post for the day! 


She got the name Sold Out Arenas from the Talk Dirty to Me song. The song where it says, "Sold out arenas you can suck my penis." 

Except that I didn't know it said penis. I giggle every time I hear it (even more so now) because I was singing it, "Sold out arenas you can suck my wiena." 

Short for weiner. In case you didn't get it. 

I'm so gangster. 

Anyway, on to the award! 

ss award

1. Post 11 random facts about yourself
2. Answer 11 questions from the blogger than nominated you
3. Nominate 11 bloggers to receive the award
4. Write your own 11 questions for those bloggers
5. Notify them of the award.

1. I'm addicted to flossies (the little flossy pics). I use them every morning on the way to work. It just feels good. They give me a gumgasm. 
2. I haven't cooked in days. The summer is hot and cooking sounds completely uninteresting. We have lived off of hotdogs and sandwiches. Don't worry, we get plenty of fruits and vegetables. 
3. I'm really starting to get into dog shaming. My little poodle is a little shit and I think the world should know. 
4. I watch Friends every night before bed. I have all ten seasons on DVD and I watch them in sequential order. 
5. I also eat things in even numbers. Today, I had to admit out loud that it was because I alternate which side of my mouth I eat them on and I like my mouth to feel even. My word, I am crazy. 
6. I'm addicted to Scandal. I got addicted on Netflix and now I don't know how I will manage just watching one show at a time. 
7. Big Brother starts next week and that is my guilty pleasure TV. 
8. I still have mosquito bite scars from last summer. The buggies love me. 
9. I get up to pee 18 times a night. I turn on the light in the bathroom every time because I don't want to step on a spider. 
10. Diet Dr. Pepper and whipped cream vodka is what dreams are made of. 
11. I use coconut oil on my legs after I shave and even I like stroking me legs they feel so soft. #notashamed

Here are 11 bloggers that I am nominating.. they may or may not participate.. Do they even know who I am? 
  1. Anyone who dang well wants to. Steal it and tell me to add your name. We'll make it look legit. 
Here are your 11 Questions
  1. WordPress or Blogger
    Blogger. I don't know anything about Wordpress and Blogger synced with my gmail. I'm easy to please. 
  2. What is your favorite Blog Post
    So many! I'll go with one of my funniest: WTF Wednesday: The Big Pink Pt. 2
    This is really two in one because you need to read the first "Big Pink" post to understand this one. Thank me later. 
  3. How did you come up with the name of your Blog?
    Well let's see. I have a dude's name. And every time I say, "momma's got a dude's name" it puts an Aerosmith song in my head. 
  4. Worst thing about being a Blogger?
    When life gets busy, it is really easy to neglect the blog. I actually feel guilty when I can't post. 
  5. Best thing about being a Blogger?
    All the people you meet! I feel like I have good friends all across the country now! 
  6. When was your Blog born?
    Ugh. I think in 2008. And it was CRAP!
  7. Is there anything you will not discuss on your Blog?
    Work. I will talk in generalities but that's it. 
  8. Do your family and friends know about your Blog?
    Yes. Most of them follow. 
  9. Do you have a goal for your Blog?
    I don't have a certain number of followers I want or anything. I want my blog to eventually lead me to paid speaking gigs. 
  10. Have you received negative feedback about your Blog?
    I cuss too much. I shouldn't be allowed to rear children (in my opinion rearing children sounds dirty and no one ought to be doing that). Those are the two main ones. Also, people don't agree with my political/religious views. 
  11. What is one thing we don’t know about your blog?
    The name of it used to be "No, I Don't Have a Water Buffalo, Do You?" And no, I didn't name it after the VeggieTales song. 
Now, win you some panties! Giveaway ends on the first day of summer! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. I only eat in even numbers too! I get the whole mouth feeling even thing. My husband thinks I need medication. I have to set my alarm on an even number (4:58) and the volume on the tv and radio must be at an even number!

  2. I thought you could only rear children if you didn't wear shoes and spent all your time in the kitchen?
    PS I am stealing this today because my juices ran dry with blog content.

  3. AnonymousJune 20, 2014

    Your favorite posts are the best Love this!

  4. Ok, count me in please! Who doesn't need a freebie post now and then? :) Plus w/ the new followers I got from this giveaway I need some q's to answer about myself so they can get to know me better. :) What are the 11 q's I need to answer? And thanks!

    Ok, the chewing thing had me cracking me up, it sounds like a weird quirk I'd have. :) Going to read your 'funniest post' right now!

  5. LMFAO you are awesome! Child rearing does sound disgusting!
