Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ash Wednesday: Let's Get Real

Hi, I'm Rikki. And I've been hiding from God. 

I wish there was some epic reason as to why that would make this post somewhat easier, but there isn't. 

I'm just being a brat. 

I don't want to hear what He has to say, so I haven't been reading or praying. Nay, I've just blatantly ignored Him. 

The reminder goes off on my phone to read, I ignore it. 

My alarm goes off in the morning, I turn it off and go back to sleep. 

Straight up ignoring Him. 

Have you ever done that? Be honest with yourself. 

I know it isn't the right thing to say. And lawdy are some Southern old ladies gasping for air as they read this, but let's just be real. 

When you were a child a did something bad, did you run and tell your parents with glee? Or did you hide under you bed, hoping they would forget you exist? 

And that, to me, is what Lent is all about.

For me, this year especially, it is literally a "come to Jesus" meeting. 

Stop ignoring. 

Stop hiding. 

Own up. Repent. Get on the right foot. 

You can't hide forever. You can't make excuses forever. 

At some point, the jig is up. 

Not this jig. This jig is rad. 

Lent is a time of reflection. Of sacrifice. Of renewal. 

What am I sacrificing this year? 

My ego. And it is going to suck. 

What are you giving up this year? 

(for more of my thoughts on what to give up for Lent, visit last year's post here or two years ago here.) 


  1. You can't hide from God, Rikki, duh! Got to admit {even though my blog posts may be a little questionable at times} I actually am a hard core devotion girl and I do pray like five million times a day just to say hey what's up I'm out of things to do. But that doesn't mean a thing really does it? Well to me it does because I'm so not a Bible thumper and not a break you down because you aren't like me type of religious nut job. I'm like a hippie Jesus lover. So go on with yourself Rikki you're cool, I love you and you know Jesus loves you because he wrote a song about it.

  2. I am right there with ya on this one. I do hide from Him too..ESPECIALLY when I know I'm up to no good.
