Wednesday, March 12, 2014

WTF Wednesday: We Found a Match!

I'm basically pissing my pants with excitement, ya'll!

This process has been such a rollercoaster but praise be to Jesus because WE FOUND A MATCH!!!

I have two WTFs for today's post. Since I want to end up on a good note, let's start with the first one and that should catch you up to where we are now. 

If you  need catching up, here is the original post: 

So... earlier this month we found a match! We were very excited. But when it came time to schedule the retrieval, DOUCHEBAG STARTED DODGING CALLS!!!

Why go through ALL THE STEPS and then just decide, "Nah. I don't think saving someone's life is worth it."

And then to not even tell someone?! You don't have the decency to let the hospital know, "In case you haven't noticed, no I won't be a donor." 

And yes I realize something could have happened that was innocent enough... but if something did happen that was innocent enough, THEY WOULDN'T BE DODGING CALLS! 

Unless they are dead, which I do not hope is the case. Live on, douchebag. Live on. 

So we were back and square one and a little bummed. That put us behind what we were expecting the schedule to be. 


We had ANOTHER match and this one SCHEDULED THE RETRIEVAL!!!!

Pat is now scheduled to begin the process of the transplant on April 1!

That's right! We have our hero! 

Does that mean it is all sunshines and roses after this? 


But it gives us HOPE! 

Hope in a situation like this is such a relief! 

To each of you that helped us with the giveaway, I cannot express my gratitude! There are no words. 
 You have each sincerely touched my heart. 

And with that, here are the winners! 

Get it? Drum roll? I'm hilarious.
 Free Blog Design by Hubby Jack Blog Designs...

$25 Walmart Gift Card from Nina at The Nina Show... 

Jessica J.

$25 Amazon Gift Card from Erin at She's a Big Star...

Gabriel R.

$75 Amazon Gift Card from Momma's Got a Dude's Name... 

Genevieve G. 

Winners be looking out for an email from me and/or your prize sponsor! 

If you still want to know more about being a bone marrow donor, please do not hesitate. You simply register online, they send you a kit that you swab the inside of your cheek and send the sample back to them. If you are selected as a match, the host site will walk you through every step and they make it so easy on the host to do this. Be a hero... 


  1. Flipping aces! That's awesome!
    (love the GIFs, by the way!)

  2. Wow that is amaze balls! I'm so excited/happy/over the moon/elated for ya'll! Woo hoo!

  3. So excited! I read this post a couple weeks back and thought I had commented. Can't wait to read about the transfer and I'm praying for you guys!!!! :)

    ps... do I email Hubby Jack?
