Tuesday, March 25, 2014

T-Ball Practice Translation: Baby Monkeys with Gloves on Crack


List of most entertaining things to watch in the whole wide world: 

1. A dog with peanut butter in its mouth

2. Babies dancing

3. Sea lions working their moves for cold fish

4. Babies laughing

5. 4 year olds playing T-Ball!

Sam has been to a few of these tee ball practices but yesterday's took the cake. To get the essence of what it was like, I'm going to just copy my "live-tweets" throughout the practice. I hope you enjoy. 

Live tweeting tee ball practice! Coach: Throw it to Landon, Sam! Sam: Who's Landon?!

Ball goes into left field... so does all of the infield. #tball 

Zoey takes off running to first base, gets made when they take the bat from her when she gets there. #tball.  

Sam gets a compliment from the coach... Commence pelvic thrust! #tball 

Kid gets on first base, decides it is boring so just sits down. #tball 

Sam hits the ball then runs after it with bat in hand. What? You had us chase the ball earlier?! #tball

While on first, next ball is hit... Chased it too! #oldhabitsdiehard #tball 

The pitcher ran home (past the ball) and the runner on third went and got the ball and tagged the pitcher out. #makessense #tball 

My son has the biggest helmet on the team. #bigheadprobs #nosharing #tball 

You know what makes running bases more fun? Jumping and yelling, "BOOGA" at the geese overhead. #tball 

Kids charge the pitcher. A lot. #tball 

To make things more interesting, simply twirl around the bat a few times and get good and dizzy first. #tball 

Justin tapped his knees to get Sam to get in defensive stance. Sam takes the opportunity to make that a dance. #tball 

Sam to coach: next time it's hit I'm going ZOOM and go get it. Coach: you could just stop it. Sam: not as much fun.  

3 kid pile up at home. Not in batter order.



  1. Hahahaha I love it. I'm coaching tball this year and our first practice is tomorrow. I'm ready for some innocent hilarity in my week.
