Friday, February 7, 2014

Five Minute Fridays: WRITE

Five Minute Friday 

Ever the follower, I've decided to ditch the Five on Fridays thing and do something a little more challenging and community oriented. 

5 minute Fridays are simply to take the prompt and write for 5 minutes. No editing. No rules. Just write on that prompt. 

Sometimes I'm sure I'll go with funny or serious or whatever. I think that's the beauty of it. 

Today's Prompt:


Writing for a blog is natural for me. I find it therapeutic (as most bloggers do). But I know some people struggle with it. 

Through a conversation yesterday with a friend, I realized just how simple it was. I was actually giving advice and learning at the same time (sometimes the best form of learning). But when writing, what do you want to convey to your readers? 

What is your mission? When they read your writing, what do you want them to come away with? 

There are so many types of bloggers out there. Mommy bloggers, fitness bloggers, business bloggers, foodie bloggers, blah blah blah. And I don't fall neatly into one category. 

I just want people to laugh and not take life too seriously. And I want to inspire people to love deeply. 

That's it. 

And I feel like I accomplish this by pointing out the absurdities in life (hello ass-less panties!) and by reliving the extreme realness of being a parent (eat dirt, Gwenyth Paltrow!). Life is funny. Life is messy. We make mistakes. There is no prescription for how to do everything in life and most of us are learning as we go. So I write to let the rest of the world know it is okay if you slipped and called your son a little shit (or if that's his nickname) because chances are... he really was being a little shit. 

I write to let the rest of the world know that stepping out there and standing up for someone who can't do it on their own is scary, but worth it. 

I write to vent. 

I write for release. 

And I write because I'm flinging flanging awesome and the world could be benefit from a little more "awesome" and a little less "asshat". 

Happy Friday! 



  1. It's funny how we learn more from teaching others, isn't it? Stopped by from FMF!

  2. Haha, "the little shit". I don't neatly fall into one category either. I just like writing about messy life. Happy to have connected with another FMF newbie.

  3. Ooohh you joined up! Where'd ya get that idea from? Loved it asshat. ;-) favorite asshat!
