Friday, August 5, 2011

Sam, His Tubes, and His Overprotective Parents

Ok, Sam got his tubes this morning and there is lots to talk about. Although, to spoil it and not lead people along, he did fine, it went fine, all is well in the world.

The day before:
Thank God this is the busiest time of year for me. So work wasn't torture just sitting around waiting on tomorrow to roll around, it was pretty much balls to the wall all day, go pick Sam up, go home, get dinner... oh yeah... his tubes get put in tomorrow.

Two fantastic parts of this day... Gena and Susan. These girls are the cheese to my macaroni and the butter to my bread. The milk to my Oreos... you get the point. Susan watches Sam and she asked me what time his procedure was. I told her, wondering what it mattered because he wasn't going to daycare anyway. Later I find out, she's rearranged her schedule, gotten a substitute, so she can be there in the waiting room with us.

Shut. Up.

Who's babysitter does that? For real? She's the best.

Then as I'm telling my bestie Gena about the wonderfulness that is Susan, when I get out that Susan was coming, Gena says, "Oh so you aren't opposed to that? I'd like to come too."

Seriously?! How loved is this little boy? Two people who aren't even blood related (although I would argue that they could be by the way they treat him and us) were going out of there way to be a surgery center at 7 am!

Again... they are the cheese to my macaroni... and I like macaroni and cheese A LOT!


We got there and all is well. He started getting fussy because by 7 am he normally has his breakfast and milk. So at 7:30 when they still haven't put him under and he still hasn't eaten, he got a bit disagreeable. He wanted to play with all the tubes and equipment and did not want to be held and sit still.

The nurse came out and Sam went right to her. No crying, no looking back. Thank. God!

That was what I was dreading the most. Him being terrified and me having to watch him be terrified and not do anything about it. Luckily, that didn't happen.

We went back to the waiting room and chatted with Gena and Susan for a bit. We weren't back 10 minutes and the doctor came out and said Sam did great.


Until we got back to recovery.

The nurse was holding Sam, who was conked out, and playing with his Elmo doll (that he got to take back to surgery with him). Then Sam began to wake up.

And the world ended.

He was so upset. Unconsolable. Drink didn't help. Hugging didn't help. At one point he raised his hands in the air in utter despair just wailing!

And I was honestly laughing. I laugh because when I come out from under anesthesia, I cry like that. I don't know why...but I just cry and cry and cry. So this display was very amusing to me.

It took until we go back home and he saw the dog that he finally calmed down fully. Then we took a two hour nap (yup he slept on my chest like the good ole days) and all is well in the world of Sam.

I just pray we are able to just have done this the once, they stay in, and they fix the problem. :-)

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