Sunday, August 21, 2011

My 100th Post...and It's about Poop!

These days, I'm a little overrun by poop.

Sam is potty training. Some days well, some days not so well, and some days where he is so close to well it isn't funny.

That's where we were yesterday. He was obsessed with the potty. Every few minutes he wanted to pee pee or poo poo but he never really did either once on the potty. So I continued to get ready for the day but we were in the bathroom and I was tired of "on diaper, off diaper, on diaper, off diaper" because getting a diaper on my active son is like trying to diaper a greased up pig.

So I let him run around naked. It was in the bathroom and he was constantly asking to get on the potty so I thought, "There's no way he'll even get a chance to pee in the floor."

Then I hear, "Poo poo." So I turn to get him and put him on the potty. Except, oh wait, too late, because there is a GIGANTIC MAN TURD in his hand!

Yup... my boy poops like a lumber jack and picks it up and hands it to me.

Oh so gross.

Now lets fast forward a handful of hours. I'm unloading the dishwasher, Pat (mother in law) is helping put away groceries, and the boy is awfully quiet. But we keep hearing him say, "Dog." I finally catch a glimpse of him.

He has stolen a spoon from the dishwasher and starting STIRRING FRESH DOG SHIT IN THE FLOOR! It's all down his leg and in his hands.

Thank the Lord above he didn't take a bite!

So Grandma gave Sam a bath, Justin finished cooking dinner, and I went on a stinky poop sanitizing spree!

And just in case you didn't catch it, this all happened yesterday. It's days like that when you can just shake your head and think... wow.


  1. This is parenting advice at all, it's just an honest question...isn't he super young to potty train? Or is this a normal age to start it? I guess I thought people usually started around 2 years old??? Inform me please. :)

  2. Well... I wasn't planning on potty training him this early but he had other plans. In essence, he demanded to be potty trained. And overall he does a pretty good job of it. I think his theory is this, "Mom isn't mentally ready for potty training, so I think I'll go ahead and just freak her out." On any given day, take out potty training and insert it with almost anything else. He seems to be running ahead of the game mentally... physically on the other hand... well he's a big guy. That's a lot of body to wrangle.

  3. Sigh. I meant "isn't" parenting advice. I guess you got the gist. Good luck and Godspeed! :)
