Monday, August 8, 2011

Genius or Glutton?

My child may be a potty training genius. That, or a glutton.

Is he really? No, probably not. But holy moly, he made so much progress in one day, it amazes me how kids just "get it" sometimes. It happens so fast!


At Sam's daycare, a little girl is potty training. She got to sit on the potty and... hold the phone... Sam wanted to also. So Susan started letting him sit on the potty. She tells me about it and I too start letting him sit on the potty.

Is he actually pottying? No. Of course not. But he feels like a big boy on the potty so whats the harm?

He would ask all the time and every once in a while we get a little pee pee and he'd be so shocked he'd just stare then grin really big. Totally cute.

And a few times we caught him "mid poop" and hurried to the potty only for Sam to not understand and still just be content sitting on the potty.

That sums up the previous two weeks or so. Just exploring the potty. No pressure. Just when he wanted to go, he could go.

Enter this weekend.

He figured out really quickly that if you pee pee on the potty... you get an M&M. So not only does he get to sit on the potty like a big boy, but he gets candy too? SWEET!

So on Sunday, we maybe went through 3 diapers. He would say, "pee pee" or "poo poo" and off we'd go to the potty.

Then he'd squeeze and grunt and VIOLA! Pee pee!

And boy did we ever throw a party! But it kept happening. All day long he wanted to go pee pee. And then he did! And he didn't pee his diaper during nap! And at night, we went poo poo in the potty! Exciting times in the Turner household!

I never thought I'd have a kid that would basically potty train himself, but that is basically what is happening. We did it on his time, even though I wasn't even close to being ready yet.

We aren't done potty training, far from it actually. But I just needed to brag on my little boy because he just constantly amazes me. I never thought I'd be so proud of poop and urine... but I am. I'm swelled with pride!

1 comment:

  1. Yea, Sam! You are giving me such hope as I think about trying to begin that process next summer. Hopefully Harrison will be that easy.
