Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The One with all the Updates

I have had a rough time updating the blog lately. I was supposed to do an entire blog post on... 

... how my mom, sister, and grandma all came down to Little Rock to surprise me for my birthday and they shocked the hell out of me! I was afraid my 30th was going to suck because my husband was out of town with his mom but between that huge surprise and my friends all rallying around me, it was a pretty great day.

My sister was busy cutting someone's hair at the time so didn't make the cut for the picture. Sorry Brandi!

... how I've recently decided to delay starting graduate school until the fall. While it is a serious bummer to have to wait (how big of a dork do you have to be to utter those words) it just makes sense right now. Being an adult stinks sometimes but we also get to drink and have sex so, you win some and you lose some. 

... Sam finished tee ball and got a trophy! That he still tries to sleep with! 

... Updates on Pat... I'm not updating a lot on her for a lot of reasons. Just keep her in your prayers. She is still in St. Louis. This is still a journey. We just want her home. We did get to go visit her though! 

Sam helping Grandma into the restaurant. 

... While Justin has been away we have gotten in A LOT of swim time with lots of kids!


... Gena and I hiked Pinnacle where I almost died because hiking with an ovarian cyst is A STUPID IDEA. I held back vomit most of the time. It was pretty. When we got to the top some guys asked for our picture. As I don't want to be in some stranger's spank bank, we politely declined. When we got to the bottom they asked us if we were lesbians. Gena got all offended like I'm not good enough for her. YOU'D BE LUCKY TO HAVE ME! 

... Justin came into town for a weekend and we had a date night to celebrate our anniversary! We made art! 

... Sam also got a go to Build a Bear Workshop! He made a Cardinals puppy and named him Donji Wonji. 

... Sam can swim! Check it out! I've paid good money and spent long hours getting splashed in the face at the pool to get here (and made some questionable parenting decisions) but he is there! 

... I'm on vacation this week. Missions: take lots of kids swimming, tan, clean the house, find a treadmill. 

Wish me luck! 


  1. AnonymousJuly 01, 2014

    I've missed you around these parts. Glad all is well in most cases! Will pray for your family. :)

  2. I can't wait to get home and show Luis the photo of you at the pool in your pearls!
