Friday, May 23, 2014

Zappos Giveaway and Friday Funnies

I don't have much time to blog today but I did want to let you all know of a giveaway happening! The lovely Tia from Hands On, Pants Off is sponsoring a giveaway today for folks who follow her sponsors. Check it out and follow her because if you like me, you will love her. I'm pretty sure we were separated at birth because, to quote myself and her blog today, "Bitches get stuff done." 

Super Rad and Awesome Giveaway

And finally, here are some funnies for yas. These have been cracking me up lately.

I sent this to my girls that work for me so they know I get that I'm a dick sometimes.

This is something Sam would do to me.

This could also be me. I'm starting to wonder if I'm even a little bit charming.

One time, while giving a speech in Toastmasters, I just stuck my hands in my pockets. Hint: That is not how you handle the "what do I do with my hands" dilemma.

My 30th birthday is on June 11. I need this to happen.

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