Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Why Won't You Ever Let Me Be a Witch Doctor?

This is what my son asked me on the way home. 

Sam: Mom, why won't you ever let me be a witch doctor? 

Me: Say what? 


Me: What about a witch doctor? 

Sam: You won't ever take me to the witch doctor!

Me: Why on earth would I do such a thing?!

Sam: walla walla bing bang! 

Me: What in the fresh hell are you talking about? 

Sam: The witch doctor! From the walla walla bing bang song! 

Me: (oblivious that there is any reference to a witch doctor in that song) Sam, there isn't a witch doctor in that song. 

Sam: Yes. There is. "I told the witch doctor I was in love with you." That one. 

Me: (stunned) I'll google it. 

And this is what I found... 

I have sung the chorus of this song over and over for Sam but never realized it was an actual song! We sat in the garage and watched it and laughed and sang. At the end he said, "See mom. I told you there was a witch doctor." 

I guess he was right... 


  1. you didn't know that was a song?!?! Ha....oo E oo ah ah....ting...tang...walla walla bing bang...damnit now it's in my head!

  2. hahahahaha I haven't heard that song in forever :)

  3. Too funny. I love when kids point things out that we never heard/seen/etc and turn out to be right (when obviously moms are ALWAYS right).
