Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I'm a Strep Throat Sissy

All in all... I'm so glad last week is OVER! 

Between my son being all "fakey" and causing me to miss work and the plague of death and sadness I caught on Friday... This week at work is a much needed break from LIFE! 

The beginning of the week went like this... 

I was back at work Wednesday and Thursday, but Thursday morning I noticed my throat hurt a little bit. Nothing I can't power through though. 

By Thursday night at bedtime, I was thinking to myself, "Ruh roh. My throat puppy HURTS!" 

I woke up on Friday and my whole body hurt and I was certain that my throat was bleeding. 

And in true Rikki fashion, I was like, "I'll go to work and it'll be fine." 

Have you ever been wrong? It rarely happens to me but man when it does... 

queue laughter

So at 8:30 am I found myself sitting in my office chair, near tears, thinking, "WHY DOES EVERYTHING HURT SO BAD?!?!" And then I realized that sitting was taking too much effort so I rolled into the floor and laid in there for a while. 

Rikki... who suffered through two hours of post c-section surgery pain with no meds before completely losing her shit was lying in her office floor at 8:30 am near tears. 

Why yes I would like some cheese with my wine. 

I called my doctor who of course doesn't see patients on Fridays. I then went down to student health because I work on a college campus and can.

I got down there (walking on my feet that radiated pain up my legs with every step) and I had a 101 fever (meh... but explains a lot) and strep. 

I asked her if she was sure it wasn't Ebola or certain imminent death. She assured me it was simply strep and I needed to take it easy and stay away from people. 


I walked straight to my car and went to the pharmacy. I got my antibiotics and headed to Chickfila for an unsweetened tea and some french fries. 

But, Rikki... you don't eat french fries. Why would you do that? 

Because it was warm, salty and quick and I needed something on my stomach to take the meds. YOU DON'T KNOW ME! 

And lawd hep me it was good too. 

I got home and my hyperactive-must-be-on-a-permanent-trampoline dog just looked at me, got in bed beside me, and laid there. He never bothered me. 

And I slept for four hours straight. 

I kept a strict regiment of 

1) Sleep 
2) Eat a handful of peanut butter m&ms and take meds 
3) Change disc of Friends 
4) Repeat

On Saturday, my dad and step mom came down to watch Sam play tee ball. I was too sick to go. 

On Sunday, PUPPY MOTHER'S DAY, I did not get to go to church. I did not get to go out to eat. In fact, I'm fairly sure the only reason I left the house was to chase down my dog who had gotten across the street. 

Sam had informed me that the potted flower he brought me home from Susan's was done against his will, "Susan made me do it." Then he picked some weeds from the yard for me and threw a hissy when he realized they would die. 

I did get a pretty sweet heating pad that wraps around your neck and shoulders but I had a fever all weekend and couldn't use it. 

At the end of the day though, it isn't lost on me how blessed I am. Yes, Mother's Day is my favorite day of the year. And yes I was sure I had been smited by the Lord. 

But honestly, there are people out there every day wishing they could celebrate Mother's Day with a family of their own. I have that. And my husband did go fetch me some guacamole and peanut butter m&ms because that's what I wanted. 

So sick or not, it wasn't all that bad. But, I'd rather lick a hobo's neck than have strep ever again though. 


  1. Girl,,I will take lick a hobos neck for $5 alex.....I just had it too a couple weeks ago and ended up going to the ER because I thought I was dying....oh that shit is no joke!! I feel ya!

  2. Yikes that sucks I hope youre feeling better now. Lol my oldest told me his teacher made him make me a present that he really wanted to give it to his grandma UGH!

  3. Friggin' strep is THE WORST... glad you're on the mend!!

  4. I am dying. These stories are always hilarious. The vision of you sliding down your chair nearly made me pee my pants.

    1. oh, and ps, sorry you were sick. Ha. Look at me being all unsympathetic and shit.

    2. And I did literally slide into the floor like that. Real talk.

  5. If there is anything I hate worse than the flu it is strep. I'm sorry you had to deal with that bitch of an infection. However, I find your passion for peanut butter m&m's to be comforting to me as they are one of my most favorite meals on this earth....and yes I said meals.

  6. Oh goodness strep is the absolute WORST!!!!!
