Friday, September 13, 2013

Top 5 Link Up: Creepy Folk Edition


(This button is pissing me off. WHY WON'T IT LEFT JUSTIFY?!?!?!?!)

(If this post is wonky, I'm sorry. Maybe you are wonky.)

I'm really getting into these "link ups". Wanna know why? I don't have to think of a blog theme. It is already written for me!

Without further adieu, I'm going to list 5 people that freak me the crap out.

1) The chicken wing guy. 

Tv Animated Gif on Giphy

I love Wing Stop. And I'm sure if I was ever able to go there without my son (nothing but love for you Sam!), I'd enjoy it even better with the lovely beer selection they have.

But without fail, I always forget about the creepy guy that awkwardly smiles and gestures at me. Every. Time.

Now this guy is good at being creepy. He'll act like he is working and then awkwardly peak his head around stare. Or if I sit out of sight from the workers (back towards the bathroom) he must develop a UTI and run to the bathroom every five minutes.

It is gross and creepy. Knock that shit off, bro. I can't stay away from the lemon-pepper wangs, naw mean?

2) Awkward eye contact Burger king girl. 

Creepy Animated Gif on Giphy

This one is fresh on my mind because I decided to laze-it-up today and get chicken nuggets on the way home for myself and Sam.

As I go to pay, this girl takes my card.

Um, look. I just want some chicken nuggets and sweet tater fries. Hold the creepy eye contact and the odd feeling that you stroke your stuffed cat at night instead of sleeping like normal people, mkay?

3) Tom Cruise

This guy. Creeps me dafuq out.

There is something about him, I don't know, that makes me think he has someone tied up in his basement.

He makes strange outbursts, he acts goofy in a very unsettling way, and am I the only one that has noticed that one of his front teeth is CENTERED ON HIS FACE?! LOOK AT THAT!

I'm not one to make fun of people based on physical attributes, but I'm pretty sure this proves he is an alien.

4. Too Touchy Co-Worker

Awkward Animated Gif on Giphy

Okay so there is a person that works at my institution, whom I am sure is a nice person, but there is a time to touch and there is a time to not.

He should go with not. All the time not.

He'll get awkwardly close and then longingly stroke your back or your shoulder.

And I'm like, "Ew gross don't."

And I know it may be a surprise to most, but I don't enjoy hurting people's feelings. I also don't enjoy being stroked like a cat, so I have found a happy medium of just always staying out of arms reach of him. Sometimes its like a game of tag...

5. Guy Who Won't Leave

Tv Animated Gif on Giphy

Ok, maybe it isn't this bad. But there is a guy at work that when he makes it into my office, he won't leave. Like at all.

And it makes me feel as awkward as if Dwight Schrute had walked in naked and wouldn't leave. Ew. Stop it. Don't.

I have literally had to tell this person to get up and go back to work. And when they wouldn't, I had to motion what getting up was and what getting the crap out of my office was. It was literally like this...

So there you have it. The top 5 people that freak me out. I'm glad I got that off my chest. 

1 comment:

  1. I work with Won't Leave Girl. She must be related to your guy. I was so excited not to work on the same floor as her last year. She'd try calling on the phone and I could screen her calls. But I moved to the same floor as her recently so she doesn't bother calling anymore and just pops by instead.
