Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Oozing Cuteness

My son has needed a haircut for, I don't know, a month or so? 

He has curly hair but not the super adorable curly hair, the kind that curls when it gets to a certain length, then it develops a mind of its own that no amount of spray or combing can tame. 

And I'm scared as hell to cut it myself. 

I wasn't for a long time, but I just don't do a good job at it. 

There are people that are fantastic at that. I'm good at lots of things (making sarcastic comments at inappropriate times for one) but cutting hair isn't one of them. 

Or wrapping presents. 

Or almost anything girly (decorating, scrapbooking, accessorizing... I'd rather sit down with a beer and watch baseball, naw mean?)

I'm just all about sticking with your strengths is the moral of this story. 

My best fran Gena, she is a go getter in all of the aforementioned endeavors, hair cutting included. And she isn't afraid of it (huge bonus). 

She agreed to come over last night and cut his hair. 

It was awesome. Here is the story in pictures: 

Before: Holy hot mess, right?!

During. He had this general demeanor the entire time, but smiled really big when I would tell him to stay still so we could go get an Icee. 

So much cuteness in one little picture... be still my beating heart. 

For serious. How freaking cute is this?! 

We had to take a break to ensure our undies were on backwards and he could get in momma's heels. #smh

Then he got a hold of my phone and took ten pictures that look like this. 

Two that look like this. 

Ten more like this one... 

Then on the way to Susan's this morning, he busted out a noodle and started hitting me with it. Mainly when I didn't answer him quickly enough to please him. 

No noodle here because he retracted it as I took the pic. But notice... mouth open. Yelling for my attention. 

There it is. Noodly noodle. 

Always a fun time with my sugar. 

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