Friday, September 20, 2013

Five on Friday: Power of Suggestion Edition

It's five on Friday, ya'll! 

I just joined this little phenomenon last week and I'm pretty sure I'm doing it wrong, but that's okay... 



Due to my very weak resistance to the power of suggestion, I've decided to list the top five things I succumb too just by the mere mention... 



Pumpkin spice latte <3

But seriously though, my friend Nick posted this morning he was at Starbucks and the line was long and all I have thought about since is how lovely it would be to drink some delicious coffee (read: pumpkin spice latte). 

And then everyone who is doing this Five on Friday link up is posting this meme... which doesn't help my power of suggestion problem... 

Pumpkin spice latte


Funny memes that know me too well... 

Like this one... 

You read the next sentence didn't you? That's why you are giggling. 

Yeah I did it too. 


Bounce houses

Am I the only adult that goes for long periods of time never thinking about a damned bounce house... then someone has a birthday party and I'm like, "You know what sounds fun right? Bouncing in a bounce house."

I mean, for real. We act like we don't want to and it is a huge pain in the ass, but that shit is fun. 

And all it takes is one wily birthday party to remind me of that. 


Impulse buys. 

impulse buying

Don't get me wrong, I'm one of the cheapest people on the planet. However, I'm notorious for not thinking about breath mints until I'm checking out of the store. So I get some. 

Or not being thirsty until I see the Diet Dr. Pepper at the check out. 

Maybe I need to stop checking out. Shoplifting isn't that big of a deal right? Or can we go back to the good old days when you hand them a list and they bring you your groceries? 



Except I don't exercise. 

I see videos or memes about exercise and I'm like, "YAH! I'M GOING TO TONE AND GET HEALTHY! I CAN DO ANYTHING FOR 30 DAYS!"

Then on the second day I'm panting in the floor yelling at Jillian Michaels, "BITCH, YOU DON"T KNOW ME!" When in fact she does, because she yells at me to stop taking a break at the exact moment I started taking a break. 

And then on the third day, I snooze the alarm and I say to myself, "Eff it. I'll be flabby." 

What are you five things for the day? 

1 comment:

  1. Stopped by from the link up and OMG you cracked me up! I like your sense of humor! :)
