Sunday, March 10, 2013

Buttercup Mountain and Resolution Update

Every year, we try to go to Wye Mountain in Bigelow to see the buttercups. This small little Methodist church planted all these daffodils and it is this huge field of flowers. It is really beautiful.

Here are some of the pics we got. We were actually there this time to take someone's bridals, but we got a few in of Sam and myself before she arrived.

We had so much fun! And I just love the pics of Sam.

Resolution Update:

Due to my unexpected high cholesterol, keeping the weight off has been pretty easy! We will find out April 8 if the diet change has worked. It is important to note that if there has been no change in my cholesterol (not higher, not lower), I may have a mental breakdown. I refuse to take medicine for cholesterol at the ripe bold age of 28. Not. Happening.

I have yet to walk to work. That's been nice.

Justin and I are hit and miss on the quality time. It is so easy to get wrapped up in our own little world once the boy goes to bed. But this is an active effort and we are doing alright.

The house... I hate cleaning. I did really well until Sam got sick. Then it got overwhelming and I haven't recovered. I will though. Slowly but surely. It hasn't gotten crazy out of control yet so at least there is that. There has been some improvement.

Books: I have read two books and I'm working on my third. It is important to note, I've read all of them this month! LOL

BTW: If you are looking for a good book: The Art of Racing in the Rain. Geez it is good. 

I couldn't get going in January and February but with the recent trip to Vegas, I was able to knock out two (b/c Vegas is way overrated and I'm a dork who would rather read than party in Vegas).

And we are still working on the alphabet with Sam. I'm confident we will get it sooner rather than later. We are currently working on him learning his address.

I think that is all. I haven't checked my resolution post in a while. If I missed one you want an update about (like you care that much) let me know. Peace.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't help but notice your comment about cleaning house. Wanted to make a suggestion, It's corny and cheesy, but it really does simplify cleaning house to make it much less overwhelming. When I first started with the baby steps (I skipped the ones that I already did pretty good about), I could see a huge difference in just a week.
