Sunday, October 5, 2014

My Son's Alter Ego is Donkey

I don't get to blog often. I realize that. And I'm doing it today against my better judgment as I have lots of homework and a ten page paper to write. 

However, I just returned from Walmart with my son for a "quick" trip. 

He didn't shut up the whole time. Not once. 

Not even once!

Want proof?

Here is a list of stuff that "is what he always wanted": 

Spongebob Bandaids
A Lady Chic Razor
Two Spiderman Web Shooters
3 Bicycles (one was unsuitable b/c the training wheels weren't "real")
Watermelon Juice
Perry the Platypus Hot Chocolate
Nesquick Crazy Straw Glasses
Go-Gurt (the kind with milk in it that he can't eat)
The Cereal with a Toy in It (who knows which one)
A Mario Kart T-Shirt

That's what I can remember. 

List of songs he sang randomly but certainly with an audience: 

Shake It Off - Taylor Swift
Girl in a Country Song - Maddie and Tae
Sexy and I Know It - LMFAO
Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke

Total number of people that giggled as we passed them by: 


Total number of people who patted me on the back while giggling:


Total number of people who commented on his "vibrant personality": 


Total number of people who took me up on my offer to take him home: 


I can feel it. You still don't grasp how chattery he was. Here is video proof: 

Wait there is more! 

I took a note out of my sister's book and gave him something to hold between his lips. If he didn't let it fall (i.e. shut the hell up), he would get a piece of candy when we got home. 

What did he do? 

He hummed. He mother-puppy hummed. 

So. Much. Noise. 

That's how I concluded his alter ego is Donkey. 

Not because he is an ass (he is though). Remember this clip? (start at 1:05)

Bless my heart. 

See funny things like this and more by following me on Instagram and Twitter (@rikkidale on both). I don't get to blog nearly as much as I used too, but those take very little time :-) 


  1. Love it all!!! LMAO!

  2. husband does the same thing. I have to lure him into things with cookies and candies. It's ridic. At least Sam is tiny and cute!!

  3. My son does the same thing! He will talk non-stop no matter where in the world we are. lol

  4. Yeah my 7 year old never shuts up. I seriously have learned the fine art of tune out. Then she says, well mom? Ha
