Friday, October 10, 2014

Promote the Love Link-Up: Aunt B's Dirty Little Secret

My girl, Tia and Hands On Pants Off, shows her awesomeness once again by starting this wicked cool link-up to promote the love and drown out the hate for bloggers.

The blogging world can be amaze-balls once minute and then full of hatred the next. (If you want proof just look at my "Rearing Children" post)

This was great timing for me since I had the opportunity to help my sister create a blog a few weeks ago!

Her name is Brandi, and even though we are polar opposites on EVERYTHING except the Braves, she has found a passion and I'm all for her pursuing it!

Turns out her passion was ignited by Christian Grey (ew! hatred! demon!). But we all have to be doing something right?

She read 50 Shades of Grey and began to love reading.

And now she keeps herself up late at night reading copious amounts of mommy porn.

What's in it for you?

Well if you also love mommy porn (or reading in general), her blog is a constant book review. It is mainly for women and mainly about romances and love stories, but it isn't just that and to be honest, she is pretty damn good.

Go check out Aunt B's Dirty Little Secret and give her a follow. Recommend books for her to review and comment on the books she has read as well.

Help me tell the world about Aunt B's Dirty Little Secret... pretty soon, it shouldn't be much of a secret!


  1. Ooohhhh I love smut... I will check it out!!! Thanks!

  2. I am digging around for your rearing children post....did I comment on it? It seems familiar!! I'm sure it was hilarious, regardless.
    Anywho, thank you so much for linking up!! Happy friday!!
